L A W S of M A R Y L A N D.
Passed Janua-
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to ftreighten and amend
the feveral public roads in feveral counties, and for other pur-
pofes therein mentioned.
WHEREAS the commiffioners under the law to which this is a fupple-
ment have elected to make a return of the plots and courfes of the
road leading from the court-houfe of Montgomery county to Benja-
min Edwards's, from thence to the mouth of Monocacy and alfo from the
court-houfe by Middle-Brook mills to the Frederick county line, which faid
roads were adopted by the county court in March term, feventeen hundred and
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the faid com-
miffioners, or a majority of them, are hereby required and authorifed to make a
return of the plots and courfes of faid roads, fo by them laid out, to the clerk's
office of faid county, to be there recorded, and that the fupervifor be and is here-
by required, under the direction of the levy court, to open the fame; and the
faid roads, when fo opened, fhall be taken for, and they are hereby declared to
be, public roads in faid county, and may be repaired as other public roads are
An ACT to empower the juftices of the levy court of Anne-
Arundel county to affefs and levy annually a fum of money for
the purpofe therein mentioned,
WHEREAS James Britton, and Alice his wife, by their petition to this
general affembly have fet forth, that they are both upwards of eighty
years of age, and very infirm, and that the faid Alice is in fuch an
advanced ftage of the dropfy as to be incapable of being removed to the poor-
houfe of the faid county without endangering her life, and pray that fome pro-
vifions may be made for their further fupport; and it appearing to this general
affembly that the above petitioners are objects entitled to legislative aid,
Juftices to le-
vy money,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the juftices of
the peace of Anne-Arundel county, at their levy court, fhall have full power
and authority, and they are hereby directed and required, annually to affefs, (fo
long as they fhall fee caufe,) on the affeffable property of faid county, a fum not
exceeding twenty pounds current money for any one year, or one half of faid
fum for either of them; which faid fum, fo levied and affeffed, fhall be collected
as other county charges are, and paid to the faid James Britton and Alice Brit-
ton, or either of them, as the cafe may be, or fuch other perfon as they the faid
juftices fhall appoint, for the ufe, fupport and maintenance, of the faid James
Britton and Alice Britton.
Paffed Janua-
An ACT refpecting certain lots weft ward of Fort Cumberland
erroneoufly transferred.
WHEREAS it appears by the returns of the lots diftributed among the
officers, foldiers and fettlers, lying to the weftward of Fort Cumber-
land, in Allegany county, made to the weftern fhore land-office by
the commiffioners appointed for that purpofe, that feveral of the faid lots, by
miftake, have been awarded to two perfons, and there being other lots unappro-
priated, which can be applied to the purpofe of correcting faid miftake; therefore,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the regifter of
the weftern fhore land-office be and he is hereby authorifed and required to cor-
rect the returns of the commiffioners made to faid office of the lands in Alle-
gany county, weftward of Fort Cumberland, in the following particulars, to
wit: By erafing number thirty-two, fet oppofite to the name of John Wade,