J O H N H E N R Y, Efquire, Governor.
faid commiffioners, and their fucceffors, for the ufe and in truft for the benefit
and advantage of the inhabitants of the faid town; and the clerk of the faid
market fhall have full power, under the direction of the faid commiffioners, to
rent and hire out the ftalls and fhambles of the faid market-houfe upon the beft
terms, and to keep a fair and juft account,, as well of the perfons renting as of
the profits arifing from fuch rents, and to render duplicates of fuch accounts to
the faid commiffioners anually, on the firft Monday of March, or oftener if he
fhall be required, and the faid rents and profits fhall be paid to the order of the
commiffioners, and be applied to the ufes directed by this act, and in default
payment, the fame fhall be recovered, in the name of the faid commiffioners,
from any tenant or perfon refufing or delaying to pay the fame, by the warrant
of a juft ice of the peace, as in the cafe of fmall debts before a magiftrate, and
the clerk of the faid market fhall be allowed a reafonable compenfation for his
fervices, not exceeding the fum of twenty dollars per annum, to be afcertained
by the faid commiffioners, and to be raited by voluntary contribution from the
inhabitants of faid town.
C H A P.
XIII. And be it enacted, That the commiffioners of the faid town fhall, on
the firft Monday of March, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-nine, and
annually on the firft Monday in March thereafter, by public notice of at leaft
ten days, call a meeting of the inhabitants of faid town who are entitled to vote,
to choofe commiffioners for the enfuing year, at which election any juftice of the
peace may prefide; and the faid inhabitants fhall then choofe, viva voce, five
difcreet reputable perfons, inhabitants of faid town, or of Sand-town, in Queen-
Anne's county, to act as commiffioners for one year from and after the firft day
of April next enfuing; and it fhall be lawful for all male white perfons, residents
of faid town, and having a family therein, to vote at faid elections for commif-
fioners, and the five perfons having the greateft number of votes at faid election
fhall be commiffioners for one year, to execute the duties of this act; and the
commiffioners fhall, by election among themfelves, fill all vacanies
happen in their own body within the year.
XIV. And be it enacted, That it fhall not be lawful for any perfon or perfons
to fuffer fwine to go at large within the circle of one half mile from Gilpin's
brick mill; and if any fwine fhall be found going at large within the limits
aforefaid, it fhall be lawful for any perfon to feize and impound the fame, giving
notice thereof at the market-houfe aforefaid for five days fucceffively, and if no
perfon fhall claim fuch fwine within the five days aforefaid, and if claimed, and
the owner will not pay within the faid five days the fum of three fhillings and
nine-pence per head for each and every day fuch fwine fhall be impounded, it
fhall and may be lawful for the perfon making fuch feizure to fell fuch fwine,
after deducting the fum of three fhillings and nine-pence per head for each
and every day the faid fwine has been impounded, he fhall pay the balance, if
any, to the commiffioners of faid town, to be applied as is hereafter directed, if
not demanded by the owner or owners of fuch fwine in three months after the
time of fale.
A meeting to
be called, &c.
XV. And be it enacted, That the fines, penalties and forfeitures, incurred
under this act, fhall be recovered before a juftice of the peace, upon the com-
plaint, on oath or affirmation, of one competent and credible witnefs, as other
fmall debts are recovered, and the faid penalties and forfeitures fhall be paid to
the commiffioner firft named in this act, and hereafter to his fucceffor, having
the greateft number of votes at any election for commiffioners which fhall here-
after take place, to be applied, under the direction of a majority of faid commif-
fioners, to the repair and fupport of the faid market-houfe, or otherwife, as they
in their difcretion may think proper, for the improvement and regulation of
the faid town, and for the improvement of Sand-town, in Queen-Anne's
How fines,
&c. are to be