C H A P.
VI. And be it enacted, That if any perfon whatsoever, after the erection of
the faid market-houfe as aforefaid, fhall prefume to fell, or caufe to be fold, to
any free inhabitant of the faid town, or any fervant or flave of fuch inhabitant,
any article of provifions whatfoever which fuch perfon may be bringing or fend-
ing, or have brought or fent, to the faid town, or within one mile thereof, for
fale, (except the articles herein before excepted,) either upon the ftated market-
days aforefaid, or on any other days during the time of the market-hours herein
before eftablifhed, at any other place whatsoever but at or in the faid market-
houfe, every fuch perfon fhall forfeit and pay the fum of fifteen fhilling's current
money for every offence.
VII. And be it enacted, That if any perfon fhall flaughter or butcher any
kind of cattle, fheep or hogs, in or near the faid market-houfe, or fuffer the
fame to be done, every perfon fo offending fhall forfeit and pay the fum of fifteen
fhillings current money for every fuch offence.
And for put-
ting horfes,
&c. therein.
VIII. And be it enacted, That if any perfon, after the time herein before
limitted, fhall put, or caufe to be put, any horfe, mare or gelding, or any cart,
waggon or other carriage, into or under the faid market-houfe, on any pretence
whatfoever, every fuch perfon fhall forfeit and pay the fum of feven fhillings and
fix-pence current money for every fuch offence.
A clerk to be
IX. And be it enacted, That the commiffioners of the faid town to be ap-
pointed by virtue of this act, fhall, after the erection and receipt of the faid
market-houfe as aforefaid, nominate and appoint a perfon of good repute and
fkill to be clerk of the faid market; and if the perfon fo appointed fhall die,
refign, or refufe to act, or be rendered incapable of acting by reafon of mifbe-
haviour, or removal from office, the faid commiffioners fhall affemble together
as foon thereafter as conveniently may be, and nominate and appoint another
qualified perfon to be clerk of the faid market for the remainder of the year.
Who fhall
take an oath,
X. And be it enacted, That every perfon to be appointed clerk of the faid
market as aforefaid, before he fhall proceed to act as fuch, fhall take an oath, or
affirmation, before the faid commiffioners, that he will diligently and faithfully,
according to the beft of his fkill and judgment, execute and perform the feveral
duties of clerk of the faid market, without favour, affection or partiality, and that
he will not, directly or indirectly, demand or receive any fee or reward for perform-
ing fuch duties but what is or fhall be allowed by law; and the faid oath, or af-
firmation, fhall be adminiftered by the faid commiffioners, or any one of them.
XI. And be it enacted, That the clerk of the faid market fhall have fufficient
power and authority, at all times thereafter, to take care and charge of the faid
market-houfe, and of the market thereof, and to examine and infpect provifions
brought thereto for fale; to examine and try the weight of butter brought to the
faid market, previoufly made up in prints or parcels, and if the fame fhall not
be found of the weight declared by the perfon offering the fame for fale, to feize
and fell the fame, and the money arifing from the fale thereof fhall be paid to
the commiffioners, to be applied by them as is hereafter directed; and if any
provifion fhall be found unfound or unwholefome, to feize and deftroy the fame;
and alfo to try and adjuft the fcales, weights and meafures, ufed at the faid
market, by the ftandards of the county, and if any weights or meafures fhall be
falfe or untrue, to feize the fame, and on a juft alteration thereof to difpofe of
the fame to the higheft bidder, and to account for the money arifing from thofe
fales with the faid commiffioners; and if any perfon fhall think himfelf aggrieved
by any feizure made by the clerk of faid market, be may appeal, within three
days, to the commiffioners of faid town for redrefs, or any one of them, and he
or they fhall have power and authority to make fuch order therein as they may
deem juft and proper.
XII. And be it enacted, That the faid market-houfe, and the ftalls, fhambles,
iffues and appertenances thereof, fhall be and the fame are hereby vefted in the