JOHN HENRY, Efquire, Governor.
hufband, and prayed that an act might pafs annulling his marriage with his faid
wife; and the allegations in the faid petition being proved to the fatisfaction of
this general affembly, therefore,
C H A P.
II. Be it enacted by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the marriage
of the faid William Barroll, and Lucretia his wife, heretofore folemnized, be
and the fame is hereby declared to be abfolutely and to all purpofes null and void
provided always, that nothing in this act contained fhall be conftrued to illegiti-
mate any iffue of the faid William Barroll, and Lucretia his wife, born prior to
the paffing of this act.
Marriage de-
clared void.
An ACT to eftablifh and regulate a market at Bridge-town, In
Kent county, and for other purpofes therein mentioned.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, by the inhabi-
tants of the Head of Chefter, in Kent and Queen-Anne's counties,
that the erection of a market-houfe, and eftablifhment of a market,
at Bridge-town, in Kent county, under proper regulations, would contribute
much to the convenience and accommodation of the inhabitants of the faid
town, as well as to the emolument and advantage of the neighbourhood ;
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That John Comegys,
John Turner, doctor John Thomas, Daniel Knock and John Greenwood, be
and they are hereby appointed commiffioners for faid town, to receive fubfcrip-
tions for raifing a fum of money for the purpofe of purchasing a convenient piece
of ground within the limits of the faid town, and for erecting thereon a good
and fufficient market-houfe, and for regulating the fame until the firft day of
April, feventeen hundred and ninety-nine.
ers appointed,
III. And be it enacted, That the faid John Comegys, John Turner, doctor
John Thomas, Daniel Knock and John Greenwood, or any two or more of
them, are hereby empowered to receive as a voluntary grant, or to contract with
any perfon or perfons for, fo much ground within the limits of faid town as will
be fufficient for the erection of a good and convenient market-houfe; and they
are hereby empowered to contract with any perfon or perfons for the neceffary
materials, and for building and completing the fame, in fuch manner as they
fhall think proper.
To re-
ceive a grant,
IV. And be it enacted, That from and after one month after the faid market-
houfe fhall be finifhed and received by the commiffioners aforefaid, of which
public notice fhall be given, the Wednefday and Saturday of every week there-
after be fet apart as market-days within the limits of faid town, and that all
provifions brought to the faid town for fale, after the time aforementioned, fhall
be taken or carried to the faid market-houfe, and there be fold, or offered for
fale, at the market-hours, which are hereby eftablifhed to be from any time in
the morning of the faid days until twelve o'clock at noon; provided always,
that fish or oyfters, or beef by the quarter or larger quantity, or pork by the hog
or hogs, or any kind of grain, flour or bread, or butter in firkins, or in quanti-
ties exceeding twenty pounds, or cheefe, or beef or pork in barrels, or live cattle,
fheep or hogs, reflectively brought to faid town or market upon the days afore-
faid, or on any other days, except Sunday, may be fold, bartered, or otherwife
difpofed of, in the fame manner as if this act had not been paffed.
V. And be it enacted, That if any free inhabitant of the faid town fhall pre-
fume to buy, or caufe to be bought, of any perfon or perfons bringing or having
brought to the faid town, or within one mile thereof, any kind of provifions
whatsoever for fale, (except the articles herein before provided for,) either upon
the ftated market-days aforefaid, or on any other days during the time of the
market-hours herein before eftablifhed, at any other place whatfoever but at or
in the faid market-houfe, fuch perfon fhall forfeit and pay the fum of fifteen
fhillings current money for every fuch offence.
fet apart, &c,