L A W S of M A R Y L A N D.
C H A P.
ers appointed,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That Owen Kennard
and David Kerr, of the faid county, be and they are hereby appointed commif-
fioners in the room respectively of the faid Samuel Sharp and Samuel Lagan, for
the feveral purpofes mentioned in the faid original act; and the faid commiffioners
hereby appointed, together with the furviving commiffioners appointed by the
original act, or a majority of them, fhall be and they are hereby authorifed, em-
powered and required, to do, execute and perform, the feveral acts, powers and
trufts, directed by the faid original act, in like manner, and to the like effect, as
if the commiffioners hereby appointed had been named in the faid ad.
How vacan-
cies are to be
III. And be it enacted, That if any of the faid commiffioners fhall refufe to
act, refign, remove or die, it fhall and may be lawful for the remaining com-
miffioners, or a majority of them, fo often as a vacancy fhall happen, to appoint
another commiffioner in the place of him who fhall fo refufe to act, refign, re-
move or die, and every commiffioner fo appointed fhall have all the powers of a
commiffioner appointed by this or by the original act until the purpofes of the
faid act fhall be accomplished.
Prefent gaol
to be fold, &c.
IV. And be it enacted, That the faid commiffioners, or a majority of them,
be and they are hereby empowered to fell the prefent gaol of Talbot county at
public fale, and to apply the money arifing therefrom towards building the new
gaol, or otherwife, in their difcretion, to abate the old gaol, and to apply the
materials thereof towards the foundation or other parts of the new building; and
after the fale or abatement of the old, and until the completion of the new gaol,
it fhall and may be lawful for the fheriff of Talbot county to rent or hire one or
more fuitable apartments in the town of Eafton for the legal confinement of per-
fons, and to claim the reafonable expence thereof of the juftices of the levy
court, who are hereby empowered and required to allow the fame, and to levy
the amount like other public charges of the county.
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
An ACT to make compenfation to certain commiffioners.
WHEREAS by a refolve of the laft general affembly Walter Bowie,
Levi Gantt, Benjamin Lowndes and Thomas Duckett, of Prince-
George's county, William Harwood and Edward Hall, of Edward,
of Anne-Arundel county, and Charles Wallace and James Williams, of the
city of Annapolis, were authorifed and empowered to examine the fituation of
the country between the city of Washington and the city of Annapolis, and afcer-
tain and determine the direction and portion of the neareft, moft convenient and
practicable road that could be laid off between the faid places, and report the
fame, with a plot thereof, to the next general affembly: And whereas the faid
commiffioners have undertaken and completed the fame, and returned a plot of
the faid road to this general affembly; and the expence attending the execution
of furveying, laying down and plotting the faid road, amounting to the fum of
four hundred fixty-feven dollars thirty-three cents.
Money to be
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the refpective
counties of Anne-Arundel and Prince-George's are hereby authorifed and em-
powered to levy the fum of eighty-three dollars forty-one cents on their refpec-
tive counties, in addition to the fum of one hundred and fifty dollars already
directed to be levied on the faid counties, for defraying the expence aforefaid.
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
An ACT annulling the marriage of William Barroll, of Kent
county, and Lucretia his wife,
WHEREAS William Barroll, of Kent county, by his petition to this
general affembly, hath fet forth, that his wife Lucretia, in violation
of virtue and morality, hath committed repeated acts of adultery,
and proftituted herfelf without referve, and that fhe hath for fometime paft lived,
and is ftill living, in a ftate of adulterous connexion, feparate from her faid