JOHN HENRY, Efquire, Governor.
licence to renew from time to time as now practifed, and to allow to the per-
fon to whom the faid licence fhall be granted fuch compenfation for keeping faid
ferry as they in their judgment fhall think adequate for the keeping the fame.
C H A P.
III. And be it enacted, That the faid ferry, when licenced by the county
court aforefaid, fhall be for ever thereafter deemed and taken to be a public ferry,
and fubfect to the fame regulations as public ferries now are by the exifting laws
of this ftate.
Ferry deemed
IV. And be it enacted, That Levin Winder, Robert Jones, fenior, William
Jones, (Menokin,) Lambert Hyland and George Irving, or the major part of
them, fhall be commiffioners, and are hereby authorifed to purchafe, if they
fhould think neceffary, two pieces of ground for the ufe of the county aforefaid,
one of which to be on each fide of the ferry aforefaid, not exceeding one acre in
the whole, for the purpofe of landing places, and on which to erect wharfs, if
neceffary; and the faid commiffioners are hereby empowered to contract for
materials, and to agree with fome perfon or perfons to build and finifh the faid
wharfs, which, when completed, fhall be and remain as public wharfs for the
ufe of Somerfet county.
ers appointed,
V. And be it enacted, That the juftices of the peace of Somerfet county, at
their next levy court, be and they are hereby authorifed and directed to impofe on
the affeffable property of faid county a fum not exceeding one hundred and twen-
ty dollars, together with an allowance of fix per cent, to the collector for col-
lection, which fum, fo affeffed, fhall be collected by the collector of Somerfet
county aforefaid as other county charges are collected, and when fo collected
fhall, by the faid collector, be paid to the commiffioners aforefaid, or the major
part of them, to be by them applied in payment for the ground, and the building
the wharfs aforefaid.
Juftices to le-
vy money,
VI. And be it enacted, That in cafe any of the faid commiffioners fhall die,
remove, or be incapable to act, the refidue, or the major part of them, fhall fill
up the vacancy or vacancies.
How vacan-
cies are to be
VII. And be it enacted, That in cafe the faid commiffioners and the owner or
owners of the pieces of ground aforefaid cannot agree on the prices thereof, or
the owners, or either of them, fhall be under any difability to contract for the
fale thereof, any two juftices of the peace for Somerfet county are hereby au-
thorifed to direct the fheriff of Somerfet county to fummon twelve good and law-
ful men of his bailiwick, not interefted in the faid lands nor related to the parlies,
to appear upon each of the faid pieces of ground, who fhall be impannelled and
fworn as a jury to inquire into the value of the faid pieces of ground, or either
of them; and the faid commiffioners fhall pay to the owner or owners of faid
lands the fum or fums affeffed by the faid jury to be the value of the lands afore-
faid, and thereupon the property in the faid pieces of ground fhall be vefted in
the faid county for ever for the purpofes aforefaid.
Value to be
A Supplement to the act for building a new gaol in the town of
Eafton, in Talbot county, and to provide for the regulation of
the faid gaol.
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general affembly, that fince the
paffage of the act, entitled, An act for building a new gaol in the
town of Eafton, in Talbot county, and to provide for the regulation
of the faid gaol, enacted at November feffion, in the year one thoufand feven
hundred and ninety-four, Samuel Sharp and Samuel Logan, two of the com-
miffioners appointed by the faid act for fuperintending the building of the faid
gaol, are deceafed, and there is no provifion in the faid act for fupplying the
vacancies occafioned by their death; therefore,