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Session Laws, 1797
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L A W S of M A R Y L A N D.

C H A P.

who fhall attend at fome place in the town of Princefs-Anne, of which place
at leaft ten days notice fhall be given by public advertisement, fhall choofe, by
ballot, one prefident, one fecretary, and one treafurer, together with feven direc-
tors, and all fuch other minifters and officers as the faid company fhall from
time to time find neceffary for the purpofe of carrying the intention of their
inftitution into effect, which faid prefident, fecretary, treafurer and directors,
fhall hold their refpective offices for one year from the time of their feveral elec-
tions; and on the firft Tuefday of May, yearly and every year thereafter, be-
tween the hours aforefaid, and at fuch place as fhall be appointed by the faid
company, to choofe their officers aforefaid, or fuch others as fhall be deemed
neceffary by the faid company, to hold their refpective offices for the time limitted
as aforefaid; provided alfo, that nothing herein contained fhall be confidered or
intended to exclude any of the faid officers whofe times fhall be expired from
being re-elected, according to the pleafure of the faid company; and of the day,
hours and place, of all fuch elections, due notice fhall be given as aforefaid.

Who fhall ex-

ercife power,

V. And be it enacted, That the president and officers of faid company fhall
be capable of exercifing fuch power for the well governing and ordering the
affairs of the fociety, and of holding fuch occafional meetings for that purpofe
as fhall be defcribed, fixed and determined by the ftatutes, laws, regulations and
ordinances of the faid fociety, hereafter to be made; provided always, that no
ftatute, law, regulation or ordinance, fhall ever be made or paffed by the faid
company, or be binding upon the members thereof, or any of them, unlefs the
fame fhall have been duly prepared and fairly drawn up in writing at one ftated
meeting of the company, and enacted or palled at the next meeting, to be held
at leaft fourteen days fubfequent to fuch former meeting, and upon due notice as
aforefaid, that the enacting of ftatutes and laws, or the making and paffing ordi-
nances and regulations, will form a part of the bufinefs of fuch meeting; nor
fhall any ftatute, law, regulation or ordinance, be then, or at any time enacted
or paffed, unlefs thirteen members of faid company, or fuch greater number of
members as may be afterwards fixed by the rules of the company, be prefent,
befides fuch quorum of the officers as the laws of the company for the time
being may require, and unlefs the fame be voted by two thirds of the whole body
then prefent; all which ftatutes, laws, ordinances and regulations, fo as afore-
faid duly made, enacted and paffed, fhall be binding upon every member of the
faid company, and be from time to time inviolably obferved, according to the
tenor and effect thereof; and provided alfo they be not repugnant or contrary to
the laws of this ftate for the time being in force.

If elections
are not made,
notice to be
given, &c.

VI. And be it enacted, That if any of the elections of the officers aforefaid
fhould not be made on the days and times in the faid act mentioned, that it fhall
and may be lawful for the prefident for the time being, or any two of the direc-
tory to give notice of a time and place at which the faid election fhall be made,
other than thofe in the faid act mentioned,


Paffed Janua-
ry 20.


An ACT authorifing the eftablifhment of a new ferry in Somerfet

WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, by the petition
of fundry perfons, inhabitants of that part of Somerfet county
called the Devil's Ifland, that they labour under great inconvenience
for want of a ferry from the faid ifland to the main land, and have prayed that
an act might pals authorifing the county court of Somerfet county to licence
fome fit and proper perfon to keep a ferry at the ufual place of croffing from faid
ifland to the main land; therefore,

Juftices to
grant a li-
cence, &c.

II. Be it.enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the juftices of
the faid county court be and they are hereby authorifed to grant a licence to fome
fit and proper perfon, to keep a ferry at the ufual place of croffing, or any other
that may be deemed more convenient, from the faid ifland to the main, and fuch

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Session Laws, 1797
Volume 652, Page 20   View pdf image
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