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Session Laws, 1797
Volume 652, Page 19   View pdf image
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JOHN HENRY, Efquire, Governor.


IV. Provided neverthelefs, and be it enacted, That no perfon whatfoever
be entitled to any allowance for any fuch head or heads, without firft
taking oath, or affirmation, as the cafe may be, that fuch crow or crows was
or were killed in the county where fuch certificate is applied for, and that no
certificate hath been obtained from any other juftice of the peace for the fame;
and that it fhall he the duty of each and every juftice of the peace before whom
fuch head or heads may be brought by virtue of this or any other act now exift-
ing for the destruction of crows, to take and receive the oath, or affirmation, of
the party bringing the fame, free and clear from all charge againft the perfon or
perfons making fuch oath, or affirmation, any thing to the contrary in any law

V. This act to continue until the twentieth day of October, one thoufand
eight hundred.

C H A P.

Firft making
oath, &c.


An ACT to incorporate the Somerfet library company.

WHEREAS the cultivation of ufeful knowledge, and the advancement
of the liberal arts and fciences, in any country, have a beneficial
influence in promoting the intereft and happinefs of mankind: And
whereas many liberal minded perfons of Somerfet county have contributed large
fums of money for the purchafe of valuable books, and have formed themfelves
into a fociety, by the name of the Somerfet Library Company, and prayed
that a law may pafs creating them a body politic and corporate for ever ;

Paffed Janua-
ry 20.


II. Be it enacted by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the members
of the faid fociety, heretofore voluntarily affociated for promoting ufeful know-
ledge, and all others who fhall hereafter become members of the faid fociety,
according to the rules and regulations of faid fociety, and who fhall in all re-
fpects conform themfelves to fuch laws, regulations and Ordinances, as fhall
hereafter be duly made and enacted by the faid fociety, according to the tenor
hereof, be, and for ever hereafter fhall be, a body corporate and politic in
deed, by the name and ftyle of The Somerfet Library Company, and by the
fame name they are hereby conftituted a body corporate and politic, to have
perpetual fucceffion, and by the fame name they, and their fucceffors, are hereby
declared and made able and capable in law to have, hold, receive and enjoy,
lands tenements, rents, franchifes, hereditaments, gifts and bequefts, of what
nature foever, in fee-fimple, or for term of life, lives, years or otherwife, and
alfo to give, grant, let, fell, alien or affign, the fame lands, tenements, heredita-
ments, goods, chattels and premifes, according to the nature of the refpective
gifts, grants and bequefts, made to them, the faid company, and of their eftate
therein; provided that the amount of the clear yearly value of fuch real eftate
does not exceed the value of two thoufand dollars in any one year.

Members in-


III. And be it enacted, That the faid fociety be, and fhall be for ever here-
after, able and capable in law to fue and be fued, plead and be impleaded, an-
fwer and be anfwered unto, defend and be defended, in all or any of the courts
or other places, and before any judges, juftices and other perfons, in all manner
of actions, fuits, complaints, pleas, caufes and matters, of what nature or kind
foever, within this ftate; and that it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid
company, for ever hereafter, to have and ufe one common feal in their affairs,
and the fame, at their will and pleafure, to break, change, alter and renew.

Society may
fue, &c.

IV. And be it enacted, That for the well governing the faid Somerfet library
company, and ordering their affairs, they fhall have the following officers; that
is to fay, one prefident, one fecretary, and one treafurer, together with feven
directors; and that on the firft Tuefday of May next, between the hours of ten
o'clock ante meridiem, and five o'clock poft meridiem, as many of the members
of the faid Somerfet library company as fhall have paid in their fubfcriptions to
the faid company, or feme perfon authorifed by them to receive the fame, and

To have cer-
tain officers,

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Session Laws, 1797
Volume 652, Page 19   View pdf image
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