L A W S of M A R Y L A N D.
C H A P.
ers to con-
tract, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That the, faid commiffioners, or a majority of them,
fhall be and are hereby authorifed and required to contract and agree for the
building of the faid gaol, and to direct the plans of the fame, which. faid. gaol,
fhall be erected on the ground appropriated by law for that purpofe, and when
erected, finifhed and completed, fhall be ufed, held, taken and deemed to be,
the proper gaol of Montgomery county.
How vacan-
cies are to be
IV. And be it enacted, That in cafe any of the faid commiffioners fhall die,
remove, refufe, or difcontinue to act, the remaining commiffioners, or a majority
of them, fhall appoint one or more perfons, as the cafe may be, to fill up fuch
Account to
be rendered,
V. And be it enacted, That the faid commiffioners, or a majority of them,
fhall render a full and fair account to the levy court of faid county of the receipts
and expenditures of all monies which fhall be by them received and expended in
virtue of this act.
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
Juftice to give
a certificates
An ACT to encourage the deftraction of wolves and crows in the
feveral counties therein mentioned.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That as often as
any free perfon or perfons fhall bring before any juftice of the peace
within, the counties of Harford or Montgomery the head or heads of
any wolf or wolves, and make oath, or affirmation, that the wolf or wolves of
which he or they produce the head or heads were actually caught and killed
within the limits of that county in which he or they pray an. allowance, and
within fix days next before the producing the fame to fuch juftice, that then fuch
juftice fhall and he is hereby authorifed and directed to give fuch perfon or perfons
producing, a certificate for fuch head or heads produced and proved as aforefaid,
and in fuch certificate to mention the oath, or affirmation, taken, and therein
diftinguifhing which or how many of the heads of the old or young wolves; and
every juftice who fhall have any wolf's head or heads brought before him by any
perfon or perfons as aforefaid, fhall be and he is hereby authorifed and em-
powered to judge of the age of the faid wolf or wolves of which the head or
heads was brought before him, and if fuch juftice fhall believe the age of
fuch wolf or wolves to exceed fix months, that then he fhall diftinguifh the
fame in his certificate by the words, Old Wolf or wolves; and that every juf-
tice before whom any wolf's head is brought, and by whom a certificate fhall be
given as aforefaid, is hereby authorifed and directed immediately to caufe the ears
to be cut off, and the tongue taken out of and from the head or heads of fuch
wolf or wolves, and burnt, to prevent fuch head or heads from being a fecond
time carried before a juftice in order to obtain a certificate.
To be allow-
ed at the levy
court, &c.
II. And be it enacted, That every perfon or perfons who fhall produce a cer-
tificate as aforefaid to the juftice of the county wherein the faid wolf or wolves
were killed, at the levy court, fhall, for every old wolf's head be allowed thirty
dollars, and for every young wolf's head be allowed four dollars, to be by the
faid juftices affeffed and levied in the county levy, together with the collector's
falary for collecting the fame; and to be paid by the collector to fuch perfon or
perfons as fhall be entitled to the fame as aforefaid.
Perfons to be
allowed, &c.
III. Be it enacted, That if any perfon refiding in Harford, Montgomery
or Caecil counties, fhall bring to any juftice of the peace of the county in which
fuch perfon fhall refide, the head or heads of any crow or crows, fuch perfon
fhall, for every fuch head, be allowed in the county levy of the faid county the
fum of eight cents, and the juftice of the peace before whom fuch head or heads
fhall be brought is hereby required to give the perfon bringing the fame a certi-
ficate thereof, and caufe the faid head or heads to be burnt, or otherwife de-