JOHN HENRY, Efquire, Governor,
would considerably leffen the fum neceffary to be levied, for the purpofe of pur-
chafing the above-mentioned lot adjoining to the faid court-houfe, therefore,
Be it enacted That Thomas Jones, Levin Woolford and Richard Pattifon,
Efquires, or any two of them, fhall be and they are hereby appointed commif-
fioners, and are authorised and empowered to contract for the fale of the fee-
fimple of the above-mentioned lots now leafed on ground-rent, on a credit not
exceeding twelve months, taking a bond or bonds, with good and fufficient
fecurity, for the payment thereof with intereft, to themfelves, or their affigns,
for the life of Dorchefter county, and fhall make return of fuch fale to the levy
court of the faid county at their next fitting, and depofit the faid bonds with the
clerk of the county for fafe keeping; provided, that the fee-fimple of the faid
lots, or any of them, fhall not be fold at a lefs price than at the rate of one
hundred pounds: for every fix pounds of ground-rent referved upon fuch lot or lots.
C H A P.
ers appointed,
IX. And be it enacted, That the faid commiffioners, or a majority of them,
be and they are hereby authorifed and empowered, upon their having taken bonds
as aforefaid with good and fufficient fecurity for the purchafe money of the fee-
fimple of the faid lot or lots, to execute releafes or conveyances of the fee-fim-
ple thereof to the refpective purchafers, and fuch bond or bonds fhall be a lien
upon the lot or lots on the fale of which they may be refpectively taken.
Who may ex-
ecute releafes,
X. And be it enacted, That the bond or bonds fo to be taken by the faid
commiffioners as aforefaid, may, under the direction of the levy court of Dor-
chefter county, be affigned in payment for the faid lot intended as aforefaid to be
purchafed for the ufe of the faid county, if the proprietor thereof, or perfon or
perfons authorifed to fell the fame, fhall be willing to receive fuch bond or bonds
in payment; and the feveral commiffioners aforefaid fhall receive fuch compenfa-
tion for their trouble in the execution of the powers herein delegated to them as
to the levy court fhall feem reafonable.
Bonds may be
XI. And be it enacted, That the juftices of the faid levy court fhall be and
they are hereby authorifed and empowered to pay and difcharge, not only the
purchafe money of the faid lot, but alfo all expences attending the execution of
the powers and difcharge of the duties affigned or required by this act.
juftices to pay
the purchafe
money, &c.
C H A. P. XXI.
An ACT to authorife and empower the levy court of Montgomery
county to affefs and levy a fum of money on, the affeffable pro-
perty thereof for the purpofe of building a new gaol in faid
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That Samuel Turner,
fenior, Charles Perry, John Beall Magruder, Benjamin Ray, fenior, and
Alien Bowie, fhall be and are hereby appointed commiffioners for the
purpofe of carrying this act into execution.
ers appointed,
II. And be it enacted, That the juftices of the levy court of Montgomery
county are hereby authorifed, directed and required, to affefs and levy on the
affeffable property in faid county, at the time of laying their public levies, a fum
of money not exceeding twelve hundred pounds; that is to fay, the fum of fix
hundred pounds in the year feventeen hundred and ninety-eight, and the remain-
ing fum of fix hundred pounds in the year feventeen hundred and ninety-nine,
together with the collector's commiffion for collecting the fame, for the purpofe
of erecting the gaol aforefaid; which faid affeffments, fo as aforefaid to be made
and levied, fhall be collected by the collector for the time being in the fame
manner that other public charges are by law collected; and the faid fums of
money, when fo as aforefaid refpectively collected, fhall be paid by fuch collector
to the aforefaid commiffioners, or the major part of them, or to their order or
orders; which faid commiffioners, or the major part of them, are hereby au-
thorifed and required to receive and apply the fame to the ufe and purpofe as by
this act is directed.
Money to be
affeffed, &c.