RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore pay unto Frederick Green, printer to the
ftate, the fum of five hundred dollars to enable him to purchafe a new fet of types,
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, that negro Michael, the flave of a certain
Sarah Jones, and negro Fortune, the property of John Pufey, of Somerfet county, were convicted of
murder in the court of Somerfet county on the firft Monday in July, feventeen hundred and ninety-
feven, and that fentence of death was paffed upon them by the juftices of faid court, who valued the
faid negroes at feventy-five pounds current money each: And whereas the governor has commuted the
fentence of faid court, and ordered that the faid negroes fhall work on the roads of Baltimore county
for the term of fifty years, and it is doubtful whether the law has made any provifion for the payment of
faid valuation; therefore, RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore pay to the faid Sarah
Jones and John Pufey, or order, the fum of feventy-five pounds current money each, the amount of
faid valuation.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, that negro Jacob, the flave of a certain
Thomas Latimer, of Charles county, was convicted of felony in the court of Charles county on the
third day of July, feventeen hundred and ninety-feven, and that fentence of death was paffed upon him
by the juftices of faid court, who valued the faid negro at one hundred and twenty-five pounds current
money: And whereas the governor has commuted the fentence of faid court, and ordered that the faid
negro fhall work on the roads of Baltimore county for the term of twenty years, and it is doubtful
whether the law has made any provifion for the payment of faid valuation; therefore, RESOLVED, That
the treafurer of the weftern fhore pay to the faid Thomas Latimer the fum of one hundred and twenty-
five pounds current money, the amount of faid valuation.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, that negro George, the flave of a certain
Anne Latimer, of Charles county, was convicted of felony in the court of Charles county on the third
day of July, feventeen hundred and ninety-feven, and that fentence of death was paffed upon him by the
juftices of faid court, who valued the faid negro at one hundred and twenty-five pounds current money:
And whereas the governor has commuted the fentence of faid court, and ordered that the faid negro
fhall work on the roads of Baltimore county for the term of twenty years, and it is doubtful whether
the law has made any provifion for the payment of faid valuation; therefore, RESOLVED, That the
treafurer of the weftern fhore pay to the faid Anne Latimer the fum of one hundred and twenty-five
pounds current money, the amount of faid valuation,
RESOLVED, That all proceedings at law againft Robert Long for the balance this ftate now
claims of him, be delayed and fufpended until the twentieth day of June next, and that in the mean-
time the chancellor be authorifed and empowered to inquire into all claims and demands, if any, that
the faid Robert Long may now have againft the ftate of Maryland, taking into his confideration alfo all
claims or demands which the ftate may have, either in law or equity, againft the faid Robert Long,
without regarding the regular courfe of procedure; provided the chancellor fhall not decree to the faid
Robert Long a greater fum for his legal coft of fuit than ninety-nine pounds fifteen fhillings and five-
pence one farthing, and for the wafte of timber and detention of his land than nine hundred pounds
fpecie, being the fum awarded, but fhall decide whether the faid Robert Long is entitled to intereft on
the fum of ninety-nine pounds fifteen fhillings and five-pence one farthing, and whether the faid Long
is entitled to intereft on the faid fum of nine hundred pounds, and from what time; and the decree
when made, to be tranfmitted to the treafurer of the weftern fhore on or before the firft day of Auguft
next, who fhall fettle with the faid Robert Long according to the principles and directions of faid
RESOLVED, That the general affembly of Maryland highly approve the exertions of Rufus King
to procure an unconditional transfer of the bank flock due this ftate in the hands of the accountant-
general of the high court of chancery of Great-Britain, and for his maintaining the abfolute and un-
qualified right of this ftate to the faid bank ftock.
RESOLVED, That Rufus King be appointed truftee on behalf of this ftate, to accept, in his own
name, a transfer of the bank ftock due this ftate, or fuch part thereof as the king of Great-Britain
may direct to be transferred, the legiflature of Maryland not relinqifhing the ftate's right to any part
of faid bank ftock, but declaring a detention of any part thereof by the crown of Great-Britain to be
contrary to juftice, and in violation of the treaty of peace of feventeen hundred and eighty-three, be-
tween Great-Britain and the United States of America.
RESOLVED, That Rufus King do not accept, on the part of this ftate, the transfer of faid ftock, if
the releafe or dereliction of the ftate's right to any part be infifted on as a condition precedent to the
transfer of the refidue.
RESOLVED, That Rufus King be authorifed and requefted to transfer to the order of Samuel Chafe
four per cent, in bank ftock on the amount that may be transferred to him for the ufe of this ftate,
RESOLVED, That Samuel Chafe, agent of this ftate, be requefted to tranfmit duplicate copies of
thefe refolutions, as fpeedily as poffible, to Rufus King, through the fecretary of the United States.
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore place to the credit of Leonard Davis, of
Saint-Mary's county, the fum of eight pounds eleven fhillings and feven-pence current money, in pay-
ment of the composition money to be recovered on the certificate to be returned on a warrant of refur-
vey granted to him on a trail or parcel of land-called Thorn's Venture,
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore advance to Frederick Green the fum of five
hundred dollars, on the faid Frederick Green lodging with the faid treafurer a bond, with two fecurities,
to be approved of by the governor and council, conditioned for the repayment of one hundred dollars
on the firft day of November in each year, until the faid fum of five hundred dollars be repaid, with in-