R E S O L U T I O N S.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be and they are hereby authorifed and empowered to
cause the fenate chamber to be repaired, and the joifts thereof to be fecured in an effectual and fafe man-
ner; and the treasurer of the weftern fhore is hereby directed to pay the amount of the expences in-
curred thereby to the order of the governor and council, who are requefted to lay an account thereof
before the next legiflature.
WHEREAS a refolution paffed on the twenty-fixth of December laft, empowering thofe who were
in poffeffion of warrants or furveys made in Allegany county to compound, by giving bond in three
equal annual payments for the composition that might be due thereon, when no return of the furyey had
been made to the land-office; and it appearing reafonable that indulgence fhould alfo be granted to thofe
who have been careful and active in having their furveys completed and returned to the land-office,
agreeably to the directions of the act of November feffion, feventeen hundred and ninety-five, therefore
RESOLVED, That all thofe who have had their furveys made in Allegany county, and have had the fame
paffed by the examiner-general, and filed in the land-office, agreeably to the directions of the before
recited act, fhall have the privilege of inftalling at any time before the firft day of June next, by giving
bond, with fuch fecurity as the weftern fhore treafurer fhall require, for payment of the principal fum
due in three equal annual inftalments, and intereft thereon from the date of the bond; and if payment
fhall not be made according to the times aforefaid, procefs of fcire facias fhall iffue upon the faid bonds
for the immediate recovery of the fum of money due againft the perfons, their lands and chattels, of
the feveral obligors therein mentioned and the lands affected by fuch furveys fhall be bound for the pay-
ment of the compofition due.
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore be and he Is hereby authorifed and required to
pay to the adjutant-general of this ftate for the time being the fum of five hundred and thirty-three dol-
lars and one third of a dollar, and no more, in quarterly payments, as his falary for the year feventeen
hundred and ninety-eight, provided the faid adjutant-general refide at, or keep an office at, the feat of
WHEREAS the compenfation allowed to the truftee under the act refpecting the creditors and
debtors of this ftate, paffed at November feffion, feventeen hundred and ninety, after the firft year, is
inadequate to the fervices required of him, RESOLVED, That the faid truftee fhall be entitled to receive,
as an additional compenfation for his fervices for the prefent year, the fum of two hundred dollars.
RESOLVED, That fix hundred dollars be advanced by the treafurer of the weftern fhore, on or be-
fore the firft day of Auguft next, out of any unappropriated money in the treafury, to the order of the
prefident and truftees of Charlotte Hall fchool, in Saint-Mary's county, provided it fhall appear to the
governor that there are in the faid academy thirty ftanding ftudents.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be authorifed to contract for the furnifhing the room
in which the houfe of delegates hold their feffion with circular tables, and as many wind for chairs thereto
as will be fufficient to accommodate ail the members belonging to the faid houfe, the faid tables and
chairs to be formed and fixed in the fame manner as in the houfe of reprefentatives of the United States;
and that the treafurer pay to the order of the governor and council whatever fum or fums of money may-
be adequate for the faid purpofes.
RESOLVED, That if it fhall be neceffary to fet up ftoves in the faid room, that the treafurer alfo pay
to the order of the governor and council whatever fum or fums may be neceffary for the purchafe of
ftoves as aforefaid.
A LIST of the LAWS paffed laft SESSION
AN ACT to fettle and afcertain the falary of members of the council for the enfuing year.
C H A P.
An ACT to alter and change the name of Samuel Berry Atchifon, of Charles county.
An ACT relating to the mi Allegany county.
An ACT for the benefit of Sarah Hickley, Mary Anne Hickley, Robert Hickley, Thomas Hickley
and Samuel Hickley.
An ACT for the deftruction of crows and fquirrels in Queen-Anne's county.
An ACT to encourage the deftruction of wolves in Baltimore county, .
An ACT to prevent the exportation of flour and falted provifions not merchantable from the port
of Chefter.
An ACT to eftablifh the road leading from Ninian Cochran's ftore at Genning's run on the Turkey
Foot road, up Will's creek by John Tomlinfon's mill, in Allegany county, to the Pennfylva-
nia line.
A fupplement to an act, entitled, An act for the relief of the poor in Talbot county.
An ACT for the benefit of William Whittington, of Worcefter county.
An ACT to prevent the going at large of fwine within five miles of the city of Baltimore, in Bal-
timore county.
An ACT to empower the levy court of Harford comity to affefs and levy a fum of money for the
purpofe therein mentioned.
An ACT to authorife and empower the levy court of Saint-Mary's county to affefs and levy annu-
ally a fum of money for the fupport of Elizabeth Goodrick.
An ACT to improve the per ding through Allegany county.
A Supplementary act to the act relating to negroes, and to repeal the acts of affembly therein
An ACT to encourage the deftruction of crows in Kent county.
An ACT authorifing the juftices of the levy court of Queen Anne's county to levy a fum of mo-
ney for the building a prifon in the faid county, and to regulate the fame.