WHEREAS agreeably to an act of affembly, entitled, An act for calling out of circulation the quota
of this ftate of the bills of credit iffued by congrefs, and the bills of credit emitted by acts of affembly
under the old government, and by the refolves of convention, made and paffed at October feffion, feven-
teen hundred and eighty, confiderabfe fums of money have been paid into the treafury for the purpofe of
difcharging debts due to Britifh merchants or creditors, which fums fo paid in the treafurer was directed
by the act aforefaid to retain in his office, liable to the attachment of creditors, and fubject to the future
direction of the general affembly: And whereas it has been determined that fuch payments into the
treafury are not to be deemed payments to the creditors, but fuits have been actually initiated, and re-
coveries had, againft debtors, notwithstanding the payments into the treafury aforefaid; And whereas
there are frequent applications for a return of the money fo paid in; therefore, RESOLVED, That the
treafurer of the weftern fhore be and is hereby directed and empowered, upon the application of the per-
fort or perfons who lodged any fum or fums of money as aforefaid for the purpofe aforefaid, or upon the
application of his or their legal reprefentatives, to return to him or them the fum or fums fo depofited
and now retained by virtue of the act aforefaid.
RESOLVED, That the treafurer, before he returns the money depofited, be fatisfied, by competent
proof that the perfon applying has paid, or fecured to be paid, to the Britifh creditors, the debt for the
payment of which the money was lodged with the treafurer.
RESOLVED, That execution upon the judgment obtained as the fuit of the ftate of Maryland
againft Robert Waters and William Diamond, two of the fecurities of Thomas O'Bryon, late fheriff
of Queen-Anne's county, be ftayed until the firft day of January, one thoufand feven hundred and
ninety-nine; and that upon the faid Robert Waters and William Diamond paying the treafurer of the
eaftern fhore, on or before the faid day, one half of the principal film of faid judgment, with an intereft
of fix per cent, upon the amount of faid principal fum from the firft day of November, one thoufand
feven hundred and ninety-two, and the cofts of fuit, a further ftay of execution for the balance of faid
judgment be allowed until the firft day of January, eighteen hundred; and that upon the faid Robert
Waters and William Diamond paying the faid one half part, with intereft as aforefaid and cofts, on the
faid firft day of January, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-nine, as alfo the one other half part of
faid principal fum on of before the aforefaid firft day of January, one thoufand eight hundred, with fix
per cent, intereft thereon from the faid firft day of January, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-nine,
the faid judgment fhall be deemed fatisfied; but if the faid Robert Waters and William Diamond fhall
neglect to pay the faid fums, with intereft and cofts as aforefaid, then execution may iffue, without fcire
facias, for the fum that may be due upon faid judgment.
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore apply fo much of the composition money
paid on a certificate called Webb's Improvement, furveyed on the twenty-eighth day of April, feventeen
hundred and eighty-three,, as compofition money on a certificate called Second Thought, returned by
John Forwood, of William, in the fame manner, and at the fame rate, as the composition money was
paid on the original certificate aforefaid; and that a warrant of furvey iffue to the faid John Forwood,
of William, for the balance of the compofition money aforefaid, at the fame rate as the original warrant
was granted aforefaid.
WHEREAS, it appears to the general affembly, by a certificate and plot returned by the furveyor of
Dorchefter county, that a tract of land called Barthelomew's Clofe, belonging to the heirs of colonel
Ryder, interferes with and takes away feventy acres and three quarters of an acre of a lot diftinguifhed
number Three being part of the Indian Lands, on Nanticoke manor, heretofore fold to John Ecclefton
by the late intendant of the revenue, and that the proportional value thereof ought to be deducted from
the claim of this ftate againft the faid John Ecclefton for the purchafe money thereof; therefore, RE-
SOLVED, That the agent of the ftate be and he is hereby authorifed and empowered, with all convenient
fpeed after this fection of affembly, to repair to the premifes fo purchafed by the faid John Ecclefton, firft
giving him ten days notice in writing of the time appointed by him for this purpofe, and to view and
examine the lands fo taken, away, and to receive and confider fuch evidence refpecting the quality
and fituation thereof as may enable him, in aid of his own judgment thereupon, to ascertain the true
relative value of the lands fo affected, having regard to the original terms of the contract made by the faid
John Ecclefton for the purchafe thereof, and the faid agent is hereby authorised and empowered to report
the valuation which he fhall formulate thereof to the auditor-general, under his hand and feal, without delay.
And it is further RESOVLED, that the faid auditor, upon receiving the report of the faid agent, and
after procurring an account of the of the eftate againft the faid John Ecclefton from the books of the
treafury, fhall forthwith proceed to fettle and liquidate the true balance refulting from the examination
of the papers, and deducting the valuation fo to be reported; and the faid auditor fhall certify the fettle-
ment and liquidation aforefaid to the treafurer of the weftern fhore, who is hereby authorifed and directed
to pay the faid John Ecclefton, his executors, adminiftrators or affigns, fuch balance of money, if
any, as may be found due to the faid John Ecclefton upon fuch fettlement and liquidation, fo made by
the faid auditors, and all proceedings upon the judgment obtained againft the faid John Ecclefton for the
caufe aforefaid fhall be and the fame are hereby fufpended until the further order of the legiflature.
WHEREAS John Frederick Magnus Amelung, of Frederick county, did, on the eleventh day of
one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-feven, obtain a fpecial warrant to affect part of a tract or
parcel of land lying in the county aforefaid, called the Refurvey on Right and Good Reafon, as land
; and whereas the faid John Frederick Magnus Amelung hath petitioned this general
affembly to releafe the right of the ftate in faid land on the faid John Frederick Magnus Amelung and
whereas doubts are entertained as to the propriety of fuch releafe, RESOLVED, That the time between
the firft day of January, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-eight, and the firft day of January, one
thoufand feven hundred and ninety-nine, be not taken or computed as any part of the time within, which
by law the faid warrant ought to be executed and payment thereon made.
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore advance to the governor and council fifteen
hundred dollars, for the purpofe of repairing and furnifhing the government-houfe.