L A W S of M A R Y L A N D.
C H A P. CX.
Sections re-
III. And be it enacted, That the third and fourth fections of the faid original
act, to which this is a fupplement, be and they are hereby repealed, fo far as
they relate to Baltimore county.
Fifth fection
repealed, &c.
IV. And be it enacted, That fo much of the fifth fection of the faid original
act as requires an application in writing, figned by two thirds of the inhabitants
of any hundred or hundreds, fo far as it concerns Baltimore county, be and the
fame is hereby repealed, and the levy court of faid county may, in their dif-
cretion, proceed as in the faid fection is directed, upon an application in writing
figned by a number of refpectable inhabitants of fuch hundred or hundreds.
Days of pay-
ment to be
V. And be it enacted, That in all cafes where the levy court of faid county
fhall iffue an order to the collector to pay to any fupervifor any money under and
in virtue of the original law, and fupplements aforefaid, the faid levy court fhall
fpecify and mention in fuch order the day or days for the payment of the fame ;
and in cafe of neglect or refufal in the faid collector to fettle and pay the fame,
agreeably to the tenor of fuch order, the faid fupervifor fhall, within five days
thereafter, under the penalty of twenty dollars, give notice of fuch neglect or
refufal to the clerk of the faid county, who fhall thereupon, within ten days
thereafter, give notice to the juftices of faid county to meet at their ufual place
of meeting, at a day therein mentioned, and the faid levy court, when fo affem-
bled, fhall and they are hereby authorifed, directed and empowered, to iffue an
execution or executions againft the faid collector, out of the faid county court,
for the fum of money fo due from the faid collector, in the manner and form
prefcribed by the thirteenth fection of the faid original act.
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
C H A P. CX.
An ACT to prevent exceffive gaming.
WHEREAS it hath been reprefented to this general affembly, that cer-
tain perfons, as well citizens of this as of other ftates, and foreigners,
carry about with them from one public place to another in this ftate
certain gambling machines or inventions, calculated to deceive and defraud the
innocent and unguarded, to the prejudice of fociety, and the corruption of morals;
and this affembly being defirous to put a ftop to fuch pernicious and baneful ef-
fects, therefore,
No E. O. ta-
ble, &c. to
be fet up, &c.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That after the paffage
of this act, no E. O, A. B. C. L. S. D. or faro table, or other device, except
billiard tables, for the purpofe of gaming for money, fhall be fet up, kept or
maintained in any dwelling-houfe, out-houfe or place occupied by any tavern-
keeper, retailer of wine, fpirituous liquors, beer or cyder, whether fuch perfon
have a licence or not, on pain of forfeiting every fuch E. O. A. B. C. L. S. D.
table, or other device, and of forfeiting moreover, for every offence, the fum of
fifty pounds current money, upon conviction thereof by indictment or confeffion
in the county court of the county wherein the offence fhall be committed.
Penalty on
ers, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That if any tavern-keeper fhall, after the paffage of
this act, permit any E. O. A. B. C. L. S. D. or faro table, or other device, to
be let up, kept or played in his or her tavern, out-houfe, or place appertaining
or near to the fame, his or her licence, upon conviction thereof, fhall be void,
to all intents and purpofes.
Juftice may
prevent the
playing, &c.
IV. And be it enacted, That it fhall and may be lawful, and it is hereby de-
clared to be the duty of any juftice of the peace of this ftate, upon complaint
made, or on his own view, to fupprefs and prevent the playing at any of the
above-mentioned tables, or any other device for gaming, and if refinance fhall
be made to his authority, it fhall and may be lawful for the faid juftice of the
peace to commit the perfon or perfons offending in the premifes to the cuftody of
the fheriff, or any conftable of the county, who may, if neceffary, fummon the
poffe comitatus to his affiftance to enforce the execution of this law.