L A W 8 of M A R Y L A N D.
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
C H A P. CV.
A Further fupplement to the act, entitled, An act to lay out feveral
turnpike roads in Baltimore county, and for other purpofes.
WHEREAS the commiffioners of review for Baltimore county have
not, in conformity to the powers vefted in them by an act of the laft
general affembly, entitled, A further fupplement to the act, entitled,
An act to lay out feveral turnpike roads in Baltimore county, and for other pur-
poles, within the time therein limitted, reviewed and ultimately afcertained the
direction of the feveral turnpike roads mentioned in faid further fupplement;
Time extend-
ed, &c.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the time limit-
ted in the faid further fupplement, paffed at the laft feffion of affembly, for af-
certaining and fixing the direction of the turnpike roads therein mentioned, be
and the fame is hereby extended to the firft: Monday in October next.
ers to call on
the collectors,
III. And be it enacted, That the commiffioners of review, or a majority of
them, fhall have power and authority to call on any perfon or perfons who have
or may hereafter be appointed collector or collectors of the tax impofed on Balti-
more county by the original act to which this is a further fupplement, to fettle
and pay the amount of faid tax, agreeably to the directions of the faid original
act, and in cafe of refufal or neglect to fettle and pay the fame within the time
directed by law for payment of the county levies, the commiffioners of review,
or a majority of them, fhall proceed againft the faid collector or collectors, and
their fecurities, in the fame manner as the juftices of the peace are directed by the
act for the eftablifhment and regulation of the levy courts in the feveral counties
in this ftate are directed to proceed againft collectors, and their fecurities, and there
fhall be fimilar proceedings, and fimilar remedy, for the recovery of the fame.
Faffed Janua-
ry 20.
An ACT to pay the civil lift, and other expences of civil go-
WHEREAS thofe who dedicate their time, abilities and labour, to
the public, ought to receive a reafonable and adequate compenfation
for their fervices,
Officers fata.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the following
officers of civil government for the time being fhall be entitled to receive at the
rate of the following falaries in current money for the enfuing year, to wit:
The treafurer of the weftern fhore, two thoufand dollars; the treafurer of the
eaftern fhore, four hundred and fifty dollars; the auditor, eight hundred dollars;
the clerk of the council, feven hundred dollars; the clerk of the fenate, one
hundred and fifty dollars; the clerk of the houfe of delegates, three hundred
dollars; the printer to the ftate, fourteen hundred dollars; the meffenger to the
council, two hundred and fifty dollars.
Monies to be
firft applied.
III. And be it enacted, That all monies which fhall remain in the treafury,
after discharging the journal of accounts, and all monies heretofore appropriated
to the ufe of congrefs, which fhall hereafter be received, and all unappropriated
money which may come into the treafury, be firft applied to the payment of the
civil lift for the enfuing year.
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
Fees in-
An ACT to increafe the fees of the examiner-general of the wef-
tern fhore, and the examiner of the eaftern fhore.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That immediately after
the paffing of this act the fees of the examiner-general of the weftern
fhore fhall be and they are hereby increafed thirty-three and a third per
cent, in addition to his fees already allowed by law.