JOHN HENRY, Efquire, Governor,
whom the faid acknowledgments have been made have certified the fame very in-
accurately, whereby it is apprehended the, validity of fuch deeds may be quef-
tioned, contrary to the intention of the parties who executed the fame;
C H A P.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That in all cafes
where an acknowledgment of a deed hath been made before any perfon or perfons
competent by law to receive fuch acknowledgment, and the faid perfon or perfons
receiving fuch acknowledgment hath or have certified, by endorfement on faid
deed, that the grantor, bargainer or vendor, mentioned in the faid deed, acknow-
ledged the lands and tenements therein mentioned to be the right or title of the
grantee, bargainee or vendee, or hath or have certified any acknowledgment
tantamount thereto, or endorfed any certificate in any words declaratory of the
intention of the grantor, bargainer or vendor, to pals or convey the property in
faid deed mentioned unto fuch grantee, bargainee or vendee, fuch deeds fhall be
as good and available in law againft fuch grantors, bargainers or vendors, their
heirs, executors and adminiftrators, as if the perfon or perfons receiving fuch
acknowledgment had certified that the grantor, bargainer or vendor, had ac-
knowledged the faid instrument of writing to be his, her or their act; and deed,
any law, ufage or cuftom, to the contrary notwithftanding.
Certain deeds
good, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That in all cafes hereafter, where any perfon or per-
fons competent by the laws of this ftate to receive the acknowledgment of deeds,
fhall certify, by endorfement on faid deed, that the donor, grantor or bargainer,
in any deed mentioned, acknowledged the lands and tenements, or other property
in the fame, to be the right or eftate of the donee, grantee or bargainee, or fhall
certify, by endorsement, any acknowledgment tantamount thereto, or fhall en-
dorfe on any deed any certificate in any words declaratory of the intention of
the grantor, bargainer or vendor, to pafs and convey the property therein
mentioned to the donee, grantee or bargainee, fuch acknowledgment fhall
be as good and available in law againft all perfons whatever, as if the perfons re-
ceiving fuch acknowledgment fhall certify that the donor, grantor or bargainer,
had exprefsly acknowledged the faid inftrument of writing to be his, her or their
act and deed, any law, ufage or cuftom, to the contrary notwithftanding; pro-
vided, that nothing herein contained fhall alter or change the mode prescribed of
taking the acknowledgments of feme-coverts and feme-covert grantors.
ledgments to
be good, &c.
An ACT to authorife the building a record-office in Kent county.
WHEREAS by an act of affembly paffed at November feffion, feven-
teen hundred and ninety-fix, the juftices of the levy court of Kent
county were authorifed and directed to levy a fum of money on the
inhabitants of faid county for the purpofe of making fuch repairs, additions, al-
terations and improvements, to the court-houfe, as might be thought neceffary
for the fafe keeping and fecuring the public records of faid county: And whereas
it is reprefented to this general affembly, that it may be more convenient and lefs
expenfive to build an entire new office for that purpofe;
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That Meffieurs
John Nicholfon, Thomas Worrell and James Houfton, or any two of them,
and they are hereby authorifed and directed to fuperintend the building an
office in Chefter-town, in Kent county, as a depofitory for the records of the
faid county, and that they be authorifed to attach the fame to the prefent court-
houfe of faid county, or to build the fame feparate therefrom, as they may think
moft for the benefit of the faid county, and to contract for materials and agree
with workmen to complete the fame.
J. Nicholfon,
&c. to fuper-
intend, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That all monies ordered to be levied as aforefaid by
the above recited act fhall be paid into the hands of the perfons above mentioned,
or any two of them, to be by them applied agreeably to the directions of this
Monies to be
paid, &c.