L A W S of M A R Y L A N D.
C H A P.
grounds over which the faid road is intended to pafs are equally good with thofe
over which the faid road is now laid out and confirmed by the faid commiffioners
of review, and that the faid Towfon is willing to give up all that portion of his
land over which the faid road, when altered, fhall pafs, without compenfation;
ers to make
an alteration,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the commif-
fioners of review of Baltimore county, or a majority of them, fhall and are here-
by directed to make an alteration in the York turnpike road, as confirmed by the
faid commiffioners of review, fo as that the faid turnpike road , when altered,
fhall pafs by or near the buildings of the faid Ezekiel Towfon; that is to fay,
beginning for the faid alteration at the place where the York turnpike road inter-
fects the orchard of John Hopkins, and running thence with a ftreight line until
it interfects the old York road at or near the faid Ezekiel Towfon's tavern,
thence agreeably to the provifions of an act of affembly, entitled, An act to lay
out feveral turnpike roads in Baltimore county, paffed at April feffion, one
thoufand feven hundred and eighty-feven, and the fupplements thereto, until it
again interfects the faid York turnpike road, as laid down and confirmed by the
faid commiffioners of review; and when the faid road fhall be fo altered and laid
out, two correct plots thereof fhall be made out, one to be returned to the clerk
of Baltimore county, and one to the regifter of the city of Baltimore, to be by
them recorded amongft their records.
At the ex-
pence of E.
Towfon, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That the faid review, laying out and furveying the
road as herein intended to be altered, fhall be done at the expence of the faid
Towfon, and that the faid Towfon fhall receive no compenfation for any land
belonging to faid Towfon over which faid road when altered fhall pafs as afore-
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
An ACT to encourage the eftablifhing of a hofpital for the relief
of indigent fick perfons, and for the reception and care of lu-
WHEREAS there are frequently, in many parts of this ftate, poor dif-
tempered perfons, who languish long in pain and mifery under various
diforders of body and mind, and who cannot have the benefit of re-
gular advice, attendance, lodging, diet and medicine, but at an expence which
they are unable to defray, and therefore often fuffer for want thereof: And
whereas it is reprefented to this general affembly, that there is a charitable dif-
pofition in divers inhabitants of this ftate to contribute largely towards eftablifh-
ing a common ftate hofpital in or near the city of Baltimore, properly difpofed
and appointed, where fuch afflicted perfons may be comfortably fubfifted, and
where their health may be regularly attended to; therefore, for the encourage-
ment of fo beneficent an undertaking,
Treafurer to
pay, &c.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the treafurer
of the weftern fhore of Maryland fhall and he is hereby directed to pay to the
mayor of the city of Baltimore, or to his order, out of any unappropriated
money that may be in the treafury, the fum of eight thoufand dollars, to be ap-
plied to the eftablifhment of faid hofpital, upon bond being given, with good
and fufficient fecurity, for the faithful application of the faid money to the
founding, building and furnishing, faid hofpital, according to the true intent and
meaning of this law.
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
An ACT refpecting the acknowledgment of deeds.
WHEREAS by the acts heretofore paffed for the enrolment and ac-
knowledgment of deeds, no particular form for certifying the faid
acknowledgment by the perfon or perfons who fhould take the fame
is defignated or prefcribed, and in many inftances the judge or juftices before