J O H N H E N R Y, Efquire, Governor,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the faid
ordinance, made as aforefaid by the faid corporation, be and the fame is hereby
declared to be ratified and confirmed, to every intent and purpofe, as fully and
effectually as if the faid corporation, at the time of paffing the fame, had been
competent to the making thereof; and the feveral fubfcribers of the faid ten
additional fhares, or of any part thereof, are and fhall be members of the faid
corporation, and fhall be refpectively vefted with all the rights, privileges and
advantages, of original fubfcribers, in as full and beneficial a manner, to all in-
tents and purpofes whatfoever, as if they had been particularly and feverally named
in the original law to which this is a fupplement.
C H A P.
Ordinance ra-
tified, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That the time prefcribed for the completing of the
faid canal, mentioned in the faid original act, fhall be and hereby is extended
until the fir ft day of December, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and
five, and the faid corporation, and their fucceffors, fhall be and they are hereby
allowed until the faid day to complete the faid canal; and if the faid canal fhall
be completed and finifhed on or before the faid firft day of December, eighteen
hundred and five, then and in fuch cafe the faid corporation, and their fucceffors,
fhall be entitled to all the rights, privileges, benefits and advantages, mentioned
and enumerated in the faid original act, and the fupplements thereto, as fully and
effectually as if the faid canal had been completed within the time limitted by
the faid original act.
Time extend-
ed, &c.
IV. And be it enacted, That the bed of the river Sufquehanna, from the
Maryland line to tide water, fhall be confidered a public highway, free for any
perfon or perfons whatever to work thereon In clearing the obftractions to its na-
vigation; provided always, that nothing herein fhall be taken or confidered to
permit any perfon or perfons whatfoever to do any act repugnant to the power
given by law to the faid corporation over the waters of faid river, fo far as the
lame may be neceffary for the purpofe of fupplying the faid canal, and the water-
works thereon, or repugnant to the power given by law of excluding others from
cutting any other canal or canals along the fide, without the margin of the faid
river, to the injury of the faid canal.
C H A P. C.
An ACT refpecting the poor-houfe of Baltimore county.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That from and after
the paffing of this act, the truftees for the poor of Baltimore county, or
the major part of them, fhall have full power and authority to agree,
and they are hereby empowered to pay to the overfeer of the alms and work-
houfe of faid county, as a falary, a fum not exceeding four hundred dollars per
annum, and fo pro rato during his continuance in office.
The bed of
the river to
be a highway,
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
Truftee may
agree, &c.
C H A P. CI.
An ACT to make an alteration in the York turnpike road in Bal-
timore county, fo as to pafs by the buildings of Ezekiel Tow-
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
WHEREAS Ezekiel Towfon, of Baltimore county, by his petition to
this general affembly hath fet forth, that he is the owner and poffeffor
of a tract or parcel of land in faid county, on which there are confi-
derable buildings and improvements; that the faid Towfon hath for many years
paft kept at the faid place a houfe of public entertainment; that the eftablifh-
ment of the York turnpike road in faid county has removed from the faid
buildings the road as it formerly run from Baltimore towards York, by which a
confiderable quantity of meadow has been deftroyed, and his faid property
materially injured, and the difference between the road fixed by the commiffioner
of review and that conftructed by the petitioner, and intended to run by his
buildings, being not more than thirty-two perches; and this general affembly,
confidering that the difference in diftance gained is not an object when compared
to the great injury the faid Towfon may fuftain, and it alfo appearing that the