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Session Laws, 1797
Volume 652, Page 103   View pdf image
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JOHN H E N R Y, Efquire, Governor.


faid is completed, the land, fo charged as aforefaid, or fuch part thereof as may

be neceffary to raife the fum due thereon, fhall be fold to the higheft bidder for
the payment of the fame.

C H A P.


IV. And be it enacted, That in all cafes where the county charges of any
county as aforefaid fhall not he paid by the day or time mentioned in fuch ad-

vertifements, it fhall and may he lawful for the commiffioners of the tax of fuch
county, or a majority of them, and they are hereby authorifed and required, to
direct the collector of fuch county, after twenty days previous notice at the court-
houfe door, and at the moft public places in fuch county, to fell to the higheft
bidder fuch tract or tracts of land, or fuch lot or lots of ground, or fuch part or
parcels thereof as may be fufficient to difcharge the taxes thereon due, and the
lame when fold to transfer, by deed of bargain and fale, to the purchafer thereof;
provided, that nothing herein contained fhall be conftrued to authorife or em-
power the collector of fuch county to fell more of any tract or tracts of land
than may prove fufficient to difcharge the taxes and legal charges thereon due;
and provided alfo, that nothing herein contained fhall be conftrued to authorife
or empower the collector of fuch county to fell more of any lot of ground in
any town or city in filch county than may be fufficient to difcharge the taxes and
legal charges thereon due, unlefs the commiffioners of the tax of fuch county,
or a majority of them, fhall be of opinion that fuch lot will not admit of divi-
fion without material injury to the owner thereof, and fhall previoufly authorife
the collector to make the fale thereof to the extent of ground fo fold, and unlefs
an entry of fuch authority to fuch collector be previoufly made upon the minutes
of the proceedings of fuch commiffioners.

And direct

the collector
to fell, &c.

V. And be it enacted, That the collectors fhall, within two weeks after
making any fale of real property for the purpofes aforefaid, make return to the
clerk of the commiffioners of all their proceedings in relation thereto; and that
where, from the fale of any lot or part of a lot of ground in any town or city
agreeably to the provifions of this act, any collector fhall receive more money
than may be fufficient to fatisfy the taxes and other legal charges thereon due,
fuch collector fhall, within two weeks after fuch fale, depofit, for fafe keeping,
fuch overplus of money, after all neceffary charges deducted, in the hands of
the clerk of the county for which fuch perfon may be collector; and that the
money lodged in the hands of any clerk in purfuance of this act fhall be fafely
kept by him, and paid to the perfon entitled to receive the fame, upon demand,
or may be drawn by the commiffioners of the tax of the county to fatisfy other
arrearages of taxes, in cafe any fhould again accrue whilft the faid money fhall
remain in the hands of the clerk as aforefaid.

Collectors to
make return,

VI. And be it enacted, That all the powers and authority hereby given or
granted to the commiffioners of the tax in the feveral counties of this ftate be
and the fame are hereby vefted in the commiffioners of the tax for the city of

Powers veft-
ed, &c.

VII. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act fhall be conftrued to affect
the provifions of an act, entitled, An act for the more effectual collection of the
county charges in Allegany county, paffed at November feffion, feventeen hun-
dred and ninety-fix, or in any manner to extend in its operation to Allegany


Not to affect
a former act,

VIII. This act to continue and be in force till the year eighteen hundred and

two, and till the end of the next feffion of affembly that fhall happen thereafter.



An ACT to lay out and eftablifh a road from the city of Anna-
polis to the city of Wafhington.

WHEREAS by a refolve of the laft general affembly, commiffioners
were authorifed and empowered to examine the fituation of the coun-

try between the city of Washington and the city of Annapolis, and

Paffed Janua-
ry 20.


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Session Laws, 1797
Volume 652, Page 103   View pdf image
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