L A W S of M A R Y L A N D.
retain the lands in his poffeffion until he is repaid, or may have his action againft
the leffor, reverfioner, or remainder-man, or his heir, executor or adminiftrator,
for the fum of money he fhall fo pay, as for money paid for his life, or may de-
duct the money fo paid, or any part thereof, out of any rent referved upon his
tenancy, unlefs otherwife agreed between the leffor and leffee.
XLII. And be it enacted, That the fixth, feventh and eighth fections of the
act to afcertain the value of the land in the feveral counties of this ftate for the
purpofe of laying the public affeffment, fhall be and are hereby repealed.
XLIII. And be it enacted, That the commiffioners of the refpective counties,
and of the city of Baltimore, fhall caufe all leafehold and other temporary eftates
within the faid counties, and within the city of Baltimore, to, be affeffed and
valued agreeably to the directions of this act, and as foon as the fame fhall be
completed, the former valuation thereof fhall ceafe.
Several acts
XLIV. And be it enacted, That the act paffed at November feffion, feventeen
hundred and ninety-two, entitled, An act for the valuation of real and perfonal
property within this ftate, except the twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth
fections of faid act, An act paffed at November feffion, feventeen hundred and
ninety-three, entitled, An act to explain an act, entitled, An act for the valua-
tion of real and perfonal property within this ftate, paffed at November feffion,
feventeen hundred and ninety-two, An act, entitled, A fupplement to an act for
the valuation of real and perfonal property within this ftate, and an act directing
returns to be made to commiffioners of the tax in the feveral counties of this
ftate, be and the fame are hereby repealed.
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
C H A P. XC.
An ACT for the more effectual collection of the county charges
in the feveral counties of this ftate.
A lift of cer-
tain lands to
be returned,
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That in all cafes here-
after, where any lands in any county of this ftate may become charged
for the payment of county taxes, and the collector of fuch county can
find no perfonal property in the faid county liable for, or chargeable with, the
payment of the fame, the faid collector fhall and he is hereby directed and re-
quired to return to the commiffioners of the tax for the faid county, at their an-
nual or adjourned meeting or meetings, or at fuch time or times as the commif-
fioners, or a majority of them, fhall require or direct, a lift of fuch tract or
tracts of land, lot or lots of land, and the amount of the taxes thereon refpec-
tively due, together with the name or names of the perfon or perfons refpectively
chargeable with the payment of the fame.
II. And be it enacted, That if the collector of any county fhall omit or
neglect to return a lift as aforefaid, upon being thereto directed in writing by the
commiffioners of the tax of fuch county, or a majority of them, he fhall forfeit
and pay a fum not exceeding one hundred dollars, to be deducted out of the com-
miffion arifing to fuch collector from the collection of fuch county, and to be
applied to the ufe of faid county in fuch manner as the juftices of the levy court,
or a majority of them, fhall direct.
III. And be it enacted, That it fhall and may be lawful for the commiffioners
of the tax of fuch county, or a majority of them, and they are hereby directed
and required, to caufe advertifements, expreffing the name or names of fuch tract
or tracts, or the number or numbers of fuch lot or lots of land, and the amount
of the taxes thereon respectively due, together with the name or names of the
perfon or perfons refpectively chargeable for the fame, to be inferted at leaft
per week for and during four weeks in fome one of the Baltimore papers,
the paper that may be moft convenient to faid county, notifying that unless the
county charges due on the land as aforefaid fhall be paid to the collector of faid
county within the fpace of thirty days after the publication at the notice