L A W S of M A R Y L A N D.
C H A P.
afcertain and determine the direction and pofition of the neareft, moft convenient
and practicable road, that could be laid off between the faid places, and report
the fame, with a plot thereof, to the next general affembly: And whereas the
faid commiffioners have undertaken and completed the fame, and returned a plot
of the faid road, and this genera! affembly being of opinion that the opening and
clearing the faid road, agreeably to faid plot by them returned, will conduce to
the benefit and advantage of the public,
ers appointed,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That Thomas
Duckett, Levi Gantt and Jacob Duckett, of Prince-George's county, and Wil-
liam Harwood, Leonard Sellman and James Williams, of Anne-Arundel coun-
ty, be and are hereby appointed commiffioners of faid road, and that they, or
any four of them, are hereby authorifed to open and clear, at leaft forty feet
wide, the faid road; and the faid road, fo opened and cleared, fhall be recorded
among the records of Anne-Arundel and Prince-George's counties refpeftively,
and fhall be for ever deemed a public road, and fhall be kept in repair in the
fame manner as other public roads are.
III. And be it enacted, That each of the commiffioners herein appointed fhall
be allowed two dollars for every day he fhall attend in difcharge of the duties
herein impofed.
IV. And, whereas the opening the faid road may caufe damage to the owners
of the lands through which the faid road may pafs, and their confent has not yet
been obtained: And whereas it is reprefented to this general affembly, that the
making a caufeway on the weft fide of the Eaftern Branch, without which the
faid road would be ufelefs, would be very expenfive to Prince-George's county,
but that it is expected the faid caufeway will be made at the private expence of
Affent of par-
ties to be had,
individuals, Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the faid
commiffioners fhall not proceed in opening faid road until the affent of all the
parties through whole land the new part of the road is to be made be firft had
and obtained by faid commiffioners, under the hands of the owners of faid land,
nor until a good and fufficient caufeway be firft made over the low ground ad-
joining the Eaftern Branch, and on the weftern fide thereof.
When obtain-
ed, money to
be levied, &c.
V. And be it enacted, That as foon as the faid commiffioners, or a majority
of them, fhall obtain the affent in writing of all the owners of the land through
which the new part of faid road may pafs, and fhall certify to the levy courts of
Anne-Arundel and Prince-George's counties the affent of fuch owners, and fhall
alfo certify to the faid courts that the caufeway fo as aforefaid to be made is in
good, perfect and lafting order, that then the juftices of the levy courts of
Prince-George's and Anne-Arundel counties refpectively, at their next levy court,
fhall levy upon the affeffable property of the inhabitants of each county a fum
not exceeding five hundred dollars, for the purpofe of defraying the expences of
clearing the aforefaid road; and the faid fum, when collected, fhall be paid to
the perfon or perfons employed to carry this act into effect, who fhall account
for the expenditure of the fame to the levy courts of the faid counties.
An ACT for erecting a bridge over the Eaftern Branch, or Anna-
coftia river.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That Benjamin Stod-
dert, Thomas Law and John Templeman, or any two of them, be au-
thorifed to open books for receiving and entering fubfcriptions for erecting
a bridge over fuch part of the Eaftern Branch as they, or a majority of them.,
fhall judge moft convenient and beneficial to the public, and fhall receive fub-
fcriptions to the amount of twenty thoufand dollars, for the completion of faid
bridge, and fuch caufeways as may be deemed by them neceffary for making a
fufficient road to or from the faid bridge, which fubfcriptions fhall be made in
fhares of one hundred dollars each; and whenever the faid twenty thoufand dol-