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Session Laws, 1797
Volume 652, Page 101   View pdf image
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J O H N H E N R Y, Efquire, Governor.


of refurvey, fhall exprefs the name of the original tracts, and the quantity of

vacancy added.

C H A P.


XXXVII. And be it enacted, That the regifters of the land-offices on the
weftern and eaftern fhores refpectively fhall, after the year feventeen hundred and
ninety-eight, annually, to wit, between the firft day of January and firft day of
March, make out for the commiffioners of the tax a lift of all certificates which
have become ready for patent, expreffing the name of the land, the quantity it
contains, and the perfon who is entitled to patent, and in cafe of refurvey, fhall
exprefs the names of the original tracts, and quantity of vacancy added.


nually, &c.

XXXVIII. And be it enacted, That the clerk of the general court of the wef-
tern and eaftern fhore respectively fhall he and they are hereby directed and required,
on or before the firft day of April next, to make out, from the. records, of deeds en-
rolled at length among the records of their refpective courts, lifts of the alienations
of all land thereby granted, bargained or fold, fince the firft day of January, in
the year feventeen hundred and ninety-two, which lift fhall exprefs the names
of the bargainer or grantor, or bargainers or grantors, bargainee or grantee, or
bargainees or grantees, of the land, and the quantity of acres the fame may con-
tain, and fhall enclofe and direct the fame, under feal, to the commiffioners of

the tax of the county where fuch lands may lie, to be forwarded as other public
letters are by law directed to be forwarded, and under the like penalties; and the
clerks of the general court of the weftern and eaftern fhores refpectively, fhall,
annually thereafter, between the firft day of March and the firft day of April,
in like manner make out, from the records of deeds as aforefaid, lifts of the
alienations of all lands which fhall from time to time be granted, bargained or
fold, and recorded, to be directed, delivered and forwarded, in like manner.

Clerks to
make out lifts,

XXXIX. And be it enacted, That the regifter of the land-office for the
weftern fhore fhall enclofe and deliver the lift made out as aforefaid, directed to
the commiffioners of the tax for the refpective counties, endorfed on public fer-
vice, to the fheriff of Anne-Arundel county, to be by him tranfmitted as public
letters; and the regifter of the eaftern fhore land-office fhall enclofe and deliver
the lift made out as aforefaid, endorfed in like manner, to the fheriff of Talbot
county, who fhall tranfmit the fame as public letters to the refpective counties.



XXXX. And be it enacted, That the regifter of the land-office for the weftern

fhore fhall be entitled to receive thirty dollars every year for his fervices under
this act, and the regifter of the eaftern fhore twenty dollars for his fervices under

this act, to be paid annually by the treafurer of the refpective fhores out

unappropriated monies in their treafury.


XLI. And be it enacted, That the commiffioners, in eftimating eftates and
intereft in lands and town lots, fhall obferve the following rules, to wit: That

all lands held or enjoyed immediately by tenants in fee-fimple abfolute, or fee-
fimple conditional, or executory, or fee-tail, fhall be wholly valued to fuch
tenants; and where diverfe perfons have particular eftates or interefts carved out

of the fame inheritance, as in dower or by the curtefy, or for life, or for any
term of years exceeding five, with reverfions or remainders for life, in tail or fee-
fimple, a juft compenfation thereof fhall be made, in proportion to the value of
their particular interefts therein, fo that, added together, they fhall amount to
the full value of fuch lands, eftimated agreeably to the directions of this act,
and no more; and the faid commiffioners fhall, in making their computation
aforefaid, confider the tenancy in dower, by the curtefy, or for life, in poffeffion
or eftate for fifteen years without any valuable rent referved, generally worth half
the value of the fee-fimple, but they may vary from this general rule as juftice
may require, confidering the age and health of the tenant in dower, by the
courtefy, or for life, and the chance of the remainder or reverfion, or the length
of the term for years, as the cafe may be; and if the tenant or perfon holding a
particular eftate or intereft fhall pay the public the fum valued for the eftate or

intereft of any landlord, reverfioner or remainder-man, the perfon fo paying may


obferved, &c.

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Session Laws, 1797
Volume 652, Page 101   View pdf image
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