C H A P.
rick, or fuch other perfon as the faid juftices fhall appoint, for the ufe, fupport
and maintenance, of the faid Elizabeth Goodrick.
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
An ACT to authorife a lottery to improve the poft-road leading
through Allegany county,
WHEREAS it has been reprefented to this general affembly, that an
improvement of the poft-road from Sideling-hill creek, and leading
from thence through Allegany county to the Virginia line, would
greatly promote the intereft of faid county, as well as the general intereft of the
ftate; therefore,
J. Simpkins,
&c, may pro-
pofe a fcheme,
Bond to be
lodged in the
clerk's office,
II. Be it enacted by the General Affembly of Maryland, That it fhall and
may be lawful for John Simpkins, John Crompton, junior, Evan Gwynn, Wil-
liam M'Mahon, John C. Beatty, James Cryfop, of Michael, John Mitchell,
David Lynn and Samuel B. Beall, or a majority of them, to propofe a fcheme
or fchemes of a lottery for raifing a fum not exceeding ten thoufand dollars, to
fell and difpofe of the tickets thereof, provided the faid John Simpkins, John
Crompton, junior, Evan Gwynn, William M'Mahon, John C. Beatty, James
Cryfop, of Michael, John Mitchell, David Lynn and Samuel B. Beall, or a
majority of them, do, before the fale or difpofal of any ticket or tickets in faid
lottery, give their bond to the ftate of Maryland, in the penalty of twenty
thoufand dollars, conditioned, that they will well and truly apply fo much of
the money arifing therefrom, within two months after the drawing thereof, as
will fatisfy the fortunate adventurers for prizes drawn in faid lottery, and the
neceffary expences incurred in the management thereof, and within one year after
the drawing aforefaid, apply the refidue of fuch money to the opening, widening,
ftreightening and improving, the poft-road from Sideling-hill creek at the lower
end of faid county, and leading from thence through faid county until it inter-
fects the Virginia line,
III. And be it enacted, That it fhall be the duty of faid commiffioners to
lodge the faid bond in the clerk's office of Allegany county, there to be recorded,
and upon fuch bonds, or any office copy thereof, fuit or fuits may be inftituted
againft the obligors therein, or any of them, or their legal reprefentatives, for
any breach or non-compliance with the condition of the fame.
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
C H A P. XV.
A Supplementary act to the act relating to negroes, and to repeal
the acts of affembly therein mentioned.
WHEREAS by an act, entitled, An act relating to negroes, and to
repeal the acts of affembly therein mentioned, paffed at November
feffion, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-fix, it is provided,
that any citizen or citizens of the United States, who fhall come into this ftate
with a bona fide intention of fettling therein, may import or bring into this ftate
at the time of his or her removal, or within one year thereafter, any flave or
flaves the property of fuch citizen or citizens at the time of his or her removal,
which flave or flaves, or the mother or mothers of which flave or flaves, fhall
have been refident of the United States three whole years next preceding fuch
removal, but doubts being entertained whether the privilege of importing or
bringing into this ftate within the year extends to the legal reprefentatives of fuch
citizen or citizens, fo removing with a bond fide intention of fettling therein, in
cafe of the death of any fuch citizen; for remedy whereof,
II. Be it enacted by the General Affembly of Maryland, That it fhall and
may be lawful for any executor or adminiftrator of any citizen of the United
States who shall have removed, or may hereafter remove, into this ftate with a
bona fide intention of fettling; therein, and who fhall have died, or may hereafter
die, within one year from the time of fuch removal, to import or bring into this
ftate, at any time within one year from the death of his or her teftator or intef-