JOHN HENRY, Efquire, Governor.
tate, any flave or flaves the property of fuch citizen at the time of his or her
death, which flave or flaves, or the mother or mothers of which flave or flaves,
fhall have been refident of the United States three whole years next preceding
fuch removal, as alfo the iffue of fuch flave or flaves bora after the removal of
the faid teftator or inteftate.
C H A P.
III. And be it enacted, That it fhall and may be lawful for any guardian or
guardians of any infant entitled to any flave or flaves by or in pursuance of the
laft will and teftament of, or in the courfe of diftribution from, any citizen of
the United States who fhall have removed, or may hereafter remove, into this
ftate, with a bona fide intention of fettling therein, and who fhall have died, or
may hereafter die, within one year from the time of his or her removal into this
ftate, at any time within one year from the commencement of his, her or their
guardianfhip, or for any fuch infant, if a male, at any time within one year
after his arriving to the age of twenty-one years, or if a female, at any time
within one year after her arriving to the age of fixteen years, to import and bring
into this ftate any fuch flave or flaves, being the property of any fuch citizen at
the time of his or her death, as alfo the iffue of fuch flave or flaves born after
the removal of the faid teftator or inteftate.
may import
certain flaves,
An ACT to encourage the definition of crows in Kent county.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That if any perfon
refiding in Kent county fhall bring to any juftice of the peace for faid
county the head or heads of any crow or crows, fuch perfon fhall, for
every fuch head, be allowed in the county levy for the faid county the fum of
eight cents, and the juftice of the peace before whom fuch head or heads fhall
be brought is hereby required to give the perfon bringing the fame a certificate
thereof, and caufe the faid head or heads to be burnt, or otherwife deftroyed.
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
Perfons to be
allowed, &c.
II. Provided nevertheless, and be it enacted, That no perfon whatfoever
fhall be entitled to any allowance for any fuch head or heads, without firft making
oath, or affirmation, as the cafe may be, or otherwife fatisfy the faid juftice,
that fuch crow or crows was or were killed in Kent county, and that no certi-
ficate hath been obtained from any other juftice of the peace for the fame; and
it fhall be the duty of each and every juftice of the peace before whom fuch head
of heads may be brought by virtue of this act, to take and receive the oath, or
affirmation, of the party bringing the fame, free and clear of all charge againft
the perfon or perfons making fuch oath, or affirmation.
Firft making
oath, &c.
III. This act to be in force until the firft day of November, one thoufand
eight hundred.
An ACT authorising the juftices of the levy court in Queen-
Anne's county to levy a fum of money for the building a prifon
in the faid county, and to regulate the fame,
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, that the fums of
money formerly levied on the inhabitants of Queen-Anne's county
for the purpofe of building a court-houfe and prifon in the faid
county are inadequate for that purpofe, and that the prifon is not yet built,
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the juftices of
the levy court for Queen-Anne's county fhall be and they are hereby authorifed,
directed and required, to affefs and levy on the affeffable property of faid county,
at the time of laying their public levies, a fum of money not exceeding one
thoufand pounds current money, together with fix per cent, for collecting the
fame, for the purpofe of erecting a prifon in the faid county; which faid affeff-
ment, fo as aforefaid to be made and levied, fhall be collected by the collector of
the county for the time being in the year feventeen hundred and ninety-eight, in
Juftices to le-
vy moneys