J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 487
recommended as being particularly effective, and, on the basis of
its studies in Maryland and elsewhere, brought to the General
Assembly specific recommendations for a re-organization and a re-
orienting of prison administration in this State.
The problems involved are difficult ones that are facing every state
in the Union. The committee full well recognizes that these are
continuing problems and that they deserve in the future the same
careful scrutiny and study that has been given during the past two
years. The reappointment of a committee on prison administration
would assure continuing legislation and work on these problems, now
therefore be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Legis-
lative Council be requested, following the 1962 session, to reappoint
its committee on prison administration and to request this committee
when appointed to continue the valuable study made by it during
1960 and 1961.
Approved March 23, 1962.
No. 7
(Senate Joint Resolution 10)
Senate Joint Resolution congratulating Col. John H. Glenn, Jr.
The members of the General Assembly of Maryland are pleased
and proud to commend Colonel John H. Glenn, Jr. upon the stupen-
dous space flight successfully completed by him.
Colonel Glenn has written his name upon the pages of history.
While his intrepid feat required and was given the unstinting sup-
port and cooperation of literally thousands of persons, it is Colonel
Glenn who has captured the hearts and imagination of the Ameri-
can people.
To him and to his family and associates, the General Assembly
of Maryland gives highest and unqualified praise. It was a glorious
achievement in history and in the history of the United States, and
the General Assembly voices its appreciation and respect for Colonel
Glenn; now, therefore be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the sincere
thanks and highest commendations of this body be expressed to
Colonel John H. Glenn, Jr. upon the successful completion of his epic
voyage into space; and be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of State of Maryland be directed
to send copies of this Resolution, under the Great Seal of the State
of Maryland, to Colonel Glenn and to the President of the United
Approved March 23, 1962.