Amendment No. 4—In lines 8, 9 and 10 of sub-section (b) on pages
1 and 2 of the third reading file bill, strike out the following: "After
and based upon the final official publication of the Federal census of 1970,
and after such publication of each decennial Federal census thereafter,
there" and insert in lieu thereof the following: "There".
Amendment No. 5—Following line 35 of sub-section (e) on page 2
of the third reading file bill insert the following:
"The total population of the State according to the census shall
be divided by the number sixty-five (65). The resulting quotient, com-
puted as the nearest whole number, is the unit of population necessary
for an additional Delegate. The unit of population, as divisor, shall
then be divided into the population of each county in the State and
of each legislative district of Baltimore City which has a population
in excess of the unit of population. Each county and legislative dis-
trict shall receive a, n additional number of Delegates equal to the
resulting quotient in each instance, dropping any fractional re-
mainder. If the total number of Delegates so apportioned is fewer
than one hundred and twenty-three (123), additional Delegates
shall be awarded in descending order to those counties or legislative
districts having the highest fractional share of a unit of population
as a remainder after the last mentioned quotients have been computed
until the total of one hundred and twenty-three (123) Delegates is
apportioned. "
Amendment No. 6—Strike out all of lines 1 to 78, inclusive, of sub-
section (e) on pages 2, 3 and 4 of the third reading file bill.
Amendment No. 7—In line 5 of sub-section (d) on page 4 of the
third reading file bill, strike out the following: "and the year 1970".
Amendment No. 8—In line 16 of sub-section (e) on page 4 of the
third reading file bill immediately following the numerals "1962" insert
the following: "and for any additional period during which this section
may be extended".
Amendment No. 9—Following line 24 of sub-section (e) on page 4
of the third reading file bill insert the following two sub-sections:
"(f) In accordance with the formula in sub-section (e), the
number of additional memberships in the House of Delegates, for
which nominations are to be made by the local central committees,
is as follows: Anne Arundel County, 1; Baltimore County, 7;
Montgomery County, 4; Prince George's County, 4; Third District of
Baltimore City, 2; Fifth District of Baltimore City, 1.
" (g) The local central committee of each party which was elected
on May 15, 1962, in the several counties or legislative districts, respec-
tively, shall nominate persons as candidates for the House of Dele-
gates for the additional memberships herein created. These nomi-
nations shall be made prior to August 1, 1962".
Amendment No. 10—Strike out all of lines 1-43 inclusive, com-
prising sub-section (F) on pages 4 and 5 of the third reading file bill.
Amendment No. 11—Strike out all of lines 36 and 37 in sub-section
(G) on page 5 of the third reading file bill and insert in lieu thereof the
" (h) The nominees in the respective numbers indicated in sub-
section (f) shall be so declared. They shall become nominees for".