Amendment No. 12—In lines 43 and 43a in sub-section (G) on page 5
of the third reading file bill, strike out the following: "special primary
elections provided for herein", and insert in lieu thereof the following:
"local central committees".
Amendment No. 13—In line 48 of sub-section (H) on page 5 of
the third reading file bill, strike out the following: "(H)" and insert in
lieu thereof the following: "(i)".
Amendment No. 14—In line 51 of sub-section (I) on page 5 of the
third reading file bill, strike out the following: "(I)" and insert in lieu
thereof the following: "(J)".
Amendment No. 15—In line 2 of Section 2 on page 5 of the third
reading file bill, immediately following the period, add the following:
"If this act has not already been superseded by an amendment
to the Constitution of Maryland under the provisions of sub-section
(j) hereinabove, it shall expire automatically and with no further
action required by the General Assembly of Maryland on January
1, 1966; provided, however, that if at the general election in the
month of November, 1964, there is submitted to the voters of the
State of Maryland a proposed Constitutional amendment which would
so supersede the provisions of this section, and if at that time the
voters of the State of Maryland reject and do not ratify this proposed
Constitutional amendment then the provisions of this act shall expire
automatically and with no further action required by the General
Assembly of Maryland on January 1, 1970. In the event there is such
an automatic repeal of this section either in 1966 or 1970 as pro-
vided hereinabove, the membership of the House of Delegates of
Maryland thereafter shall be the same as it was in the several
political sub-divisions and in its entirety on January 1, 1962. Nothing
in such a repeal either in 1966 or 1970 shall affect the election,
tenure, powers, privileges, and duties of any member of the House
of Delegates in office at the time of the repeal for the remainder
of the term for which he has been elected".
Respectfully submitted,
For the Senate:
William S. James
Frederick C. Malkus
H. Winship Wheatley, Jr.
For the House of Delegates:
A. Gordon Boone
Ridgely P. Melvin, Jr.
Egbert L. Quinn
Read and adopted. *
Mr. Boone, duly seconded, moved the adoption of the Conference
Committee recommendations to House Bill No. 1.
The roll was called on the above motion, resulting as follows:
Messrs. —
Speaker, Brockmeyer, Larrimore, McNulty, Melvin, Ridout, Whitmore, Boone,
MacDaniel, Maguire, Staten, Tyler, Butler, Long, Quinn, Burkley, Harris, Garbel-