Article IV of the Constitution of this State with initial appointive
terms expiring December 31, 1962. In the event said Chapter 616
takes effect, and upon such taking effect, the offices of judge created
hereby shall merge and consolidate with those created by said
Chapter 616 to the end that the Municipal Court of Baltimore City
shall consist of a Chief Judge and ten Associate Judges as created by
Section. 410 of Article IV of the Constitution of this State, and four
additional Associate Judges created by act of the General Assembly,
and no more.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall (a) take
effect on July 15, 1961, contingent upon the taking effect of Chapter
14 of the Acts of the Special Session of 1961 (Senate Bill 5); (b)
terminate or be of no effect as of the time that Chapter 616 of the
Acts of the Regular Session of 1961 becomes or became effective or
upon the rejection of said Chapter 616 at a referendum election under
Article XVI of the Constitution of this State; and (e) not be con-
strued as repealing, by implication or otherwise, said Chapter 616,
or any part thereof.
Approved June 15, 1961.
(Senate Bill 5)
AN ACT to add two new sections to Article 26 of the Annotated Code
of Maryland (1957 Ed. ), title "Courts", sub-title "Municipal Court
of Baltimore City", to follow immediately after Section 113 there-
of, to be known as Sections 114 and 115, relating generally to the
jurisdiction and sentencing power of said Court; to repeal and
re-enact with amendments Section 140 of Article 27 of the Anno-
tated Code of Maryland (1957 Ed. ), title, "Crimes and Punish-
ments", sub-title "False Pretenses, Bad Checks, etc. ", providing
that in Baltimore City false pretenses involving less than $100
shall not be punishable by imprisonment in the penitentiary; to
repeal and re-enact with amendments Section 349 of aforesaid
Article 27, sub-title, "Larceny—Horses or Vehicles", deleting the
penitentiary as a place of punishment for unauthorized use under
said section and providing that Article 52 of the Annotated Code
of Maryland (1957 Ed. ), title, "Justices of the Peace", Section 13,
shall not be applicable to said Section 349; to repeal and re-enact
with amendments Section 59 of Article 88A of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1957 Ed. ), title, "State Department of Public
Welfare", sub-title, "Aid to Dependent Children", deleting the pro-
vision that the offense of unlawfully obtaining assistance shall be
punishable as false pretenses and providing punishments for said
offense when the amount of assistance unlawfully obtained is less
than Five Hundred Dollars and where it is Five Hundred Dollars
or more; and providing that this Act shall be effective July 15,
1961, contingent upon the taking effect of Senate Bill 4 of this
Special Session and expiring at the time of the taking effect of
Chapter 616 of the Acts of the Regular Session of 1961 or upon
the rejection of said Chapter 616 at a referendum election under
Article XVI of the Constitution of this State.