SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That two new sections be and they are hereby added to Article 26
of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Ed. ), title, "Courts", sub-
title, "Municipal Court of Baltimore City", to be known as Sections
114 and 115, to follow immediately after Section 113 thereof, said
new sections to read as follows:
114. Jurisdiction.
(a) Said Court shall have jurisdiction to hear, try and determine
the case of every person who may be charged with the commission,
in the City of Baltimore, of any one or more of the offenses herein-
after set forth. All references to <( Maryland Code" are to the Anno-
tated Code of Maryland (1957 Ed. ). All references to <{City Code"
are to Flack's Baltimore City Code (1950 Ed. ). All references to
"Charter" are to Flack's Charter and Public Local Laws of Baltimore
City (1949 Ed. ). All references are to such statutes as amended
prior to the effective date of this Act and as said statutes may be
hereby or hereafter amended, repealed and re-enacted, modified, or
(1) Abandoned or unattended ice box violations under City Code,
Article 24, Section 12A (Ordinance 1151, approved June 29, 1954)
and Maryland Code, Article 27, Section 384.
(2) Alcoholic beverage offenses concerning minors or intoxicated
persons under City Code, Article 24, Sections 30 through 31, Mary-
land Code, Article 27, Sections 400 through 403, and Maryland Code,
Article 2B, Section 118.
(3) Any offense or matter not specifically enumerated herein, which
the Justices of the Peace of Baltimore City, including the Police
Magistrates of Baltimore City, the Chief Police Magistrate of Balti-
more City, the^Magistrates-at-Large for Baltimore City, the Magis-
trates of the Traffic Court of Baltimore City, and the Chief Magis-
trate of the Traffic Court of Baltimore City had jurisdiction to hear,
try and determine as of the day immediately preceding the first
Monday in May, 1961.
(4) Any offense consisting of an act done or omitted to be done
in the City of Baltimore, the doing or omission of which act, is or
may be punishable under any Act of the General Assembly of this
State or any ordinance of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore,
by pecuniary fine only, not exceeding One Thousand Dollars ($1, 000).
(5) Assault and assault and battery.
(6) Blackjack and metal knuckles violations under City Code,
Article 24, Section 173.
(7) Building and electrical code violations under City Code,
Article 5.
(8) Carrying concealed weapons offenses under Maryland Code,
Article 27, Section 36.
(9) Cruelty to animals offenses under Maryland Code, Article 27,
Section 59.
(10) Disturbance of the public peace under Maryland Code, Article
27, Sections 121 and 122.