II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That John Temple-
man, Francis Lowndes and Thomas Beall, of George, be and they are hereby
appointed commiffioners, and they, or a majority of them, are hereby authorifed
and required, at fome time before the firft day of Auguft next, to caufe the
aforefaid ftreets in Beatty and Hawkin's addition to George-town, to be furveyed
laid off and continued, of their prefent width, in ftreight lines, until they fhall
feverally interfect Fayette-ftreet in John Threlkeld's addition to George-town
and to furvey, lay off and continue, Fayette-ftreet, of its prefent width, until
in a ftreight line, it interfects High-ftreet continued.
ers appointed,
III. And be it enacted, That the commiffioners aforefaid, or a major part of
them, fhall, on or before the faid firft day of Auguft next, caufe a correct and
accurate furvey and plot to be made of faid ftreets, and the refpective lots through
which they pafs, certified under the hands and feals of the faid commiffioners,
or a major part of them, and the faid plot fhall be recorded amongft the records
of the territory of Columbia foon as conveniently may be thereafter, there to
remain as evidence of the location of faid ftreets, which faid feveral ftreets to be
laid out in purfuance of this act fhall be highways, and be fo deemed and taken
to all intents and purpofes whatfoever; provided neverthelefs, that the corpora-
tion of George-town, when in Common-hall affembled, or a majority of them,
are hereby vefted with full power and authority, immediately after fuch ftreets
are located and continued, to caufe a valuation to be made of the damage which
any perfon or perfons, not named in this act, fhall fuftain by reafon of the con-
tinuation of any of faid ftreets through his, her or their lot or lots, and caufe
the fame to be recorded by their clerk; and if any proprietor or proprietors of a
lot or lots, valued as aforefaid, conceive him, her or themfelves injured by fuch
valuation, he, fhe or they fhall, upon application in writing to the mayor of
George-town for the time being, at any time before the firft day of January,
one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-feven, be entitled to a fecond valuation of
the injury done thereto; and the faid mayor fhall and he is hereby authorifed and
empowered to command the fheriff of George-town, immediately on fuch ap-
plication, to fummon twelve good and lawful men, not refidents nor holders of
real property in any of the additions aforefaid, to appear on the premifes before
him, on a certain day, then and there, on oath, to value and afcertain fuch
damage, and make return thereof to him under their hands and feals, and the
faid mayor fhall caufe a record to be made of the fame; and no perfon or perfons
fhall have the benefit of a fecond valuation, unlefs application as aforefaid is made
before the year one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-feven; provided that
nothing herein contained fhall be deemed or taken to affect the rights of any in-
fant, feme-covert, or perfon non compos mentis, or beyond fea, from appealing
from the faid firft valuation, and having a fecond valuation according to the pa-
vifions of this act, if he, fhe or they fhall profecute the lame within fix months
after fuch difability fhall be removed; and that demand for payment of the
amount of the damage fo afcertained fhall be made by the refpective owner or
owners claiming the fame, or his, her or their agent or attorney, in writing, of
the mayor aforefaid, and if the damage fo affeffed is not paid within fixty days
next after fuch demand made, then and in fuch cafe the refpective owner or
owners of any fuch lot or lots fhall again hold and poffefs the faid lot or lots, and
be feized of his, her or their former intereft and eftate therein, any thing in this
law to the contrary notwithftanding.
Who fhall
caufe a furvey
to be made,