R E S O L U T I O N S.
and adjuft the claims of the faid prefident and truftees againft Robert Eden, Daniel Dulany, junior,
Lloyd Dulany and Jonathan Boucher, and the treafurer, upon fuch liquidation and adjustment being
made, fhall iffue a certificate to the faid prefident and truftees, or their order, for the whole amount
of faid claim, bearing an intereft of fix per cent, from the time of iffuing the fame, if there remains
in the treafury, of the proceeds of the confiscated property of the faid Eden, Dulanys and Boucher,
as much as will pay the amount of their refpective fubfcriptions to the faid fchool.
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore, upon the application of Elizabeth Canter,
of Charles county, deliver to her the bond given by William Canter, junior, Henry Lyon and
Jofeph Lyon, to the ftate of Maryland, dated the thirteenth day of October, feventeen hundred and
WHEREAS John Lethrbury and John Wilkins, fecurities for John Denwood, late fheriff and
collector of Somerfet county, became liable to pay to the ftate a confiderable fum of money, and as
fifteen per cent, has been incurred on the faid judgment, RESOLVED, That the faid John Lethrbury
and John Wilkins be and they are hereby releafed from the payment of the faid fifteen per cent, on
the payment of the intereft of fix per cent, on the principal fum.
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore be and he is hereby authorifed and required
to pay to the adjutant-general of this ftate for the time being the fum of two hundred pounds cur-
rent money, and no more, in quarterly payments, provided the faid adjutant-general refide or keep
an office at the feat of government, as his falary for the year feventeen hundred and ninety-fix.
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore pay to Chriftopher Richmond, or order, the
fum of one hundred pounds current money, as a further compenfation for his fervices as commiffioner
on behalf of this ftate to fettle and adjuft the accounts between this ftate and the United States; and
that the faid treafurer pay to John Wright, or order, the fum of fifty pounds current money, as a fur-
ther compenfation for his fervices as clerk and affiftant to the faid Chriftopher Richmond.
RESOLVED, That Valentine Brother, Efquire, of Frederick-town, be and he is hereby au-
thorifed to fell and difpofe of, under the direction of the governor and council, on the beft poffible
terms, for the benefit of the ftate, all gunpowder and brimftone now in the magazine at Frederick,
and all fuch arms and accoutrements in the armoury at Frederick as are unfit for ufe without previ-
ous repairs, and the faid Valentine Brother fhall be entitled to a commiffion of three percent, on
the amount of fuch fales, as a compenfation for his fervices; provided, that before he fhall proceed
to make any fale as aforefaid, he fhall give bond to the ftate, with fuch fecurity as the governor and
council fhall approve, conditioned for the faithful difcharge of the truft hereby committed to him,
and for the payment into the treafury of the weftern fhore of all monies by him received in virtue
thereof within three months next after fuch receipts, after deducting the amount of his faid com-
miffions, which fhall be afcertained by the auditor-general; provided alfo, that nothing herein con-
tained fhall be conftrued to prevent the governor and council from retaining, for the ufe of the ftate,
fuch of the arms as may not want repairs, or only fmall repairs, and fo much of the powder as may
not be damaged, as they, in their discretion, may think neceffary, which faid arms and powder fhall
be felected by fuch perfon as the governor and council fhall appoint for that purpofe;
RESOLVED, That in cafe it fhall be deemed neceffary to tranfport the faid powder to Baltimore-
town, or other place, for fale, or to furnifh cafks for the purpofe of containing and fecuring the
fame, the governor and council fhall be authorifed to draw upon the treafury in favour of the faid
Valentine Brother, for fuch fum of money as will enable him to procure the faid cafks, and to effect
the faid tranfportation, an account of the application of which money fhall be tendered by the faid
Valentine Brother to the auditor-general, and the furplus unexpended, if any, fhall be paid by him
into the treafury, and his aforefaid bond fhall be liable therefor.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be authorifed and requefted to caufe fuch of the pub-
lic arms and accoutrements in the armouries at Annapolis and Eafton as may be unfit for ufe with-
out previous repairs, to be fold fur the benefit of the ftate, and to take all fuch meafures as may be
neceffary for accomplifhing that object, and for bringing the amount of fuch fales into the trea-
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be authorifed and requefted to take the moft fpeedy
and effectual meafures for calling in the public arms, tents and accoutrements, which were drawn
out of the armoury at Frederick-town for the late weftern expedition.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be and they are hereby requefted, at the expence of
the ftate, to caufe the magazine at Frederick to be repared for the reception of the public arms,
and thereupon to caufe the public arms and accoutrements to be placed therein.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be requefted to caufe the arms, and all other military
articles now in the armoury at Annapolis, to be removed to the armoury at Frederick-town, and
that the falary of the armourer at the city of Annapolis be difcontinued.
RESOLVED, That all proceedings againft John Ecclefton, upon a judgment obtained againft
him at the fuit of the ftate, for certain lands purchafed at the fale of the Indian lands on Nanticoke
manor, fhall be fufpended, until the title of the ftate to that part of his purchafe made of the ftate,
claimed by the heirs of colonel Ryder, fhall be afcertained and determined, upon his paying for the
lands fold him clear of difpute, at the fame time and on the fame terms as thofe who have already
inftalled; the amount of the fum to be fo paid, to be afcertained by three perfons, one to be ap-
pointed by the governor and council, who are hereby empowered and directed to make faid appoint-
ment, one by faid John Ecclefton, and the two perfons chofen by them to appoint a third, fhould
they difagree.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be requefted to caufe an inquiry to be made into
the fituation of the feveral armouries of this ftate, and to caufe a ftatement thereof, fhewing the lofs
of the ftate in arms, tents, and other military articles, on the late weftern expedition, to be laid be-
fore the next general affembly.