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Session Laws, 1795
Volume 647, Page 88   View pdf image
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mond and Robert Walters, be appointed for Queen-Anne's county; Meffieurs William Whitting-
ton, John Dennis and James B. Robins, be appointed for Worcefter county; Meffieurs Jofhua
Dorfey, Roger Nelfon and Arthur Shaaff, be appointed for Frederick county; Meffieurs George
Martin, Chriftopher Driver and Jofeph Nicols, be appointed for Caroline county; Meffieurs Jofias
William Dallam, William Wilton and Jeffe Jarrett, be appointed for Harford county; Meffieurs
Ignatius Taylor, William Clagett and Allen Bowie Duckett, be appointed for Wafhington county;

Meffieurs Richard Wootton, Thomas Cramphin and Allen Bowie, be appointed for Montgomery
county; Meffieurs John Johnfon, David Lynn and Daniel Clarke, be appointed for Allegany coun-
ty; and that Meffieurs Alexander Contee Hanfon, William Pinkney and Philip B. Key, be and
they are hereby appointed to report as aforefaid the ftate of the records and office papers of the ge-
neral court for the weftern fhore, the land-office, prerogative-office and chancery-office; and that
Meffieurs James Tilghman, junior, Howes Goldfborough and William Hayward, be and they are
hereby appointed to report as aforefaid the ftate of the records and office papers of the general court
for the eaftern fhore, and the land-office of the eaftern fhore.

WHEREAS the late Benedict Calvert, about the year feventeen hundred and feventy, com-
menced actions of ejectment againft the purchafers of Anne-Arundel manor, in Anne-Arundel
county, which fuits were defended by the faid purchafers, under an agreement to contribute fo much
per acre for the lands they refpectively held, and in the year feventeen hundred and ninety-two, after
a very heavy expence incurred, the faid caufe was determined in the court of appeals in favour of
the faid purchafers: And whereas the right of this ftate to four lots of land lying within the faid
manor became afcertained by the decifion aforefaid: And whereas it is but reafonable and juft that
the ftate fhould contribute to the expences of faid fuit in proportion to the number of acres by her
held within faid manor, and which, fince the determination of faid fuit, hath been fold as confiscated
property; RESOLVED, That the auditor be authorifed, and he is hereby authorifed and directed, to
liquidate and afcertain the fum due from this ftate on account of the defence of faid fuit, upon the
fame principles and in the fame proportion as the refpective purchafers and tenants on Anne Arun-
del manor have contributed, and that the treafurer pay the amount of the fum fo liquidated and af-
certained to John Thomas and Thomas Tillard, agents for the faid purchafers in defence of faid
fuit, in full of the ftate's contributary part.

RESOLVED, That the fines incurred by James Lloyd, William M. Robinfon, Nicholas D.
M'Comas, and Thomas Bowie, as abfentees, under the act of November feffion, feventeen hun-
dred and ninety-four, entitled, An act to compel the attendance of the members of the general af-
fembly, be and the fame are hereby remitted to them refpectively.

RESOLVED, That William Pinkney, William Cooke and Philip Barton Key, Efquires, be
and they are hereby appointed commiffioners on the part of this ftate to meet fuch commiffioners as
may be appointed for the fame purpofe by the commonwealth of Virginia, to fettle and adjuft, by
mutual compact between the two governments, the weftern and fouthern limits of this ftate, and
the dividing lines and boundaries between this ftate and the faid commonwealth; and alfo to fettle
and adjuft as aforefaid any claim of this ftate or the faid commonwealth to territory within the limits
of the other; and the faid commiffioners are required to report their proceedings, in virtue of this
appointment and authority, to the general affembly of this ftate, at their next feffion after the fame
fhall have been concluded, for confirmation or rejection.

RESOLVED, That the governor of this ftate be requefted to tranfmit, without delay, to the go-
vernor of Virginia, a copy of the foregoing refolve, in order to its being laid before the legiflature of
that commonwealth, and at the fame time to communicate the wifh of this general affembly that a
fimilar refolve may be paffed by the general affembly of Virginia.

RESOLVED, That the truftee of this ftate be and he is hereby empowered and directed to
transfer to the Patuxent affociators, or their legal reprefentatives, ftock of the United States belong-
ing to this ftate bearing an immediate intereft of fix per cent, to the amount of four thoufand three
hundred and eighty-four dollars, ftock of the United States bearing an intereft of fix per cent, after
the year eighteen hundred to the amount of two thoufand one hundred and ninety-two dollars, and
ftock of the United States bearing an intereft of three percent, to the amount of three thoufand two
hundred and eighty-eight dollars, in the proportions herein after directed; and in order to afcertain
the proportion of the faid ftocks which each individual affociator, or his reprefentatives, may be en-
titled to receive, the governor for the time being is hereby authorifed and requefted to nominate for
that purpofe three impartial perfons as referees, who, or a majority of them, fhall thereupon, and
after five weeks notice in the Annapolis and George-town news-papers, and fuch other notice as
they fhall think neceffary, meet at a convenient place, by them to be appointed, and proceed to ad-
juft the feveral proportions aforefaid upon principles of right and juftice; and the faid referees, or a
majority of them, may adjourn from day to day until the objects of their nomination fhall be com-
pleted, and when the faid adjuftment fhall be clofed, they fhall report the fame, under their hands
and feals, to the faid truftee, who fhall thereupon transfer to fuch of the faid affociators, or their le-
gal reprefentatives, as fhall apply fur the fame, ftocks of the United States as aforefaid to the amount
of their refpective proportions; provided, that the aggregate of transfers fhall not exceed the fums
aforefaid; and provided alfo, that before any fuch transfer, bond with fecurity, to be approved by the
faid truftee, fhall be given for repayment to the ftate of the ftock to be transferred, in cafe it fhall

hereafter appear that this ftate hath not had credit with the United States for the amount of the afore-
faid fums in the late fettlement of the accounts between the United States and the individual ftates.

RESOLVED, That no land to the weftward of Fort Cumberland, for which certificate hath
been heretofore returned and patent iffued, fhall be affected by any warrant to be iffued before the
end of the next feffion of affembly, or by any common warrant already iffued and not located on
fuch land, except for the ufe and benefit of the perfon or perfons claiming under fuch patent.

RESOLVED, That the petition of the prefident and truftees of Charlotte-Hall fchool, read yef-
terday, be referred to the auditor of this ftate, who is hereby authorifed and required to liquidate


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Session Laws, 1795
Volume 647, Page 88   View pdf image
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