RESOLVED, That Meffieurs John P. Marfhall,, Littleton Purnell, Thomas S. Faffett, Samuel
Handy, John Gundy, John Holland and Peter S. Corbin, are hereby conftituted commiffioners to
view the lands lying between the tide waters of Pocomoke river, in Worcefter county, and Syne-
puxent bay, and the faid commiffioners, or a majority of them, are hereby requefted to report to the
next general affembly, whether a communication might be formed by a canal, to facilitate the inter-
courfe between the Chefapeake bay and the Atlantic ocean, and with an eftimate of the probable ex-
pence thereof.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the eaftern fhore be and he is hereby authorifed and directed
to pay to the fecurities of Archibald Job, late fheriff of Caecil county for the years feventeen hun-
dred and eighty-feven and feventeen hundred and eighty-eight, fuch fums of money as he or they
have paid to the ftate on account of ordinary licences for the years aforefaid, with what intereft he
or they have paid thereon, and intereft on the fame until it be refunded, and the auditor is hereby
authorifed to liquidate and afcertain the amount of faid ordinary licence money for faid years.
A LIST of the LAWS paffed laft SESSION
C H A P.
AN ACT to fettle and afcertain the falary of the members of the council for the enfuing
An ACT to enable the court of appeals to continue certain caufes.
An ACT for the deftruction of crows.
An ACT to empower Robert Buchanan, Simon Wilmer, of Edward, and Henry Curry, fe-
curities for Thomas Jones, deceafed, collector of Kent county, to complete the collection due
and unpaid to the faid Thomas Jones, deceafed, for the year feventeen hundred and ninety-
An ACT to empower Thomas Bond and Henry Richardfon, fecurities for Thomas Gibfon, late
fheriff of Harford county, deceafed, and Thomas Ringgold and Michael Corfe, fecurities
for Thomas Jones, late fheriff of Kent county, deceafed, to collect the balances due to, and
uncollected by, the faid fheriffs refpectively.
An ACT to authorife the chancellor to grant deeds and patents in certain cafes.
A Further fupplement to the act, entitled An act to eftablifh a market in Frederick-town, in
Frederick county, and for the regulation of the faid market.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to empower Robert Buchanan, Simon Wilmer, of
Edward, and Henry Curry, fecurities for Thomas Jones, deceafed, collector of Kent coun-
ty, to complete the collection due and unpaid to the faid Thomas Jones, deceafed, for the
year feventeen hundred and ninety-five.
An ACT for the valuation of the lot of ground in Queen-Anne, in Prince-George's county,
whereon the warehoufes ftand, and for paying the proprietor the value thereof.
An ACT making a temporary alteration in the turnpike road directed to be laid out from Balti-
more-town towards Frederick-town.
An ACT to confirm an act paffed at November feffion, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-
four, entitled, An act to alter fuch parts of the conftitution and form of government which
prevent perfons confcientioufly fcrupulous of taking an oath from being members of the
legiflature, electors of the fenate, or to hold offices of profit and truft.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act for the relief of the poor of Calvert county.
An ACT to furvey, continue and extend, certain ftreets therein mentioned, lying in the addi-
tions to George-town, in Montgomery county.
An ACT to build a market-houfe in Bentz-town, an addition to Frederick-town, and for the
regulation of faid market.
An ACT to incorporate the Roman catholic congregation in Baltimore-town.
An ACT to incorporate the German reformed congregation in Baltimore-town.
An ACT to empower John C. Beatty to collect the balances due him as fheriff and collector of
Allegany county.
An ACT to eftablifh and regulate the market-houfe in the town of Cumberland, in Allegany
An ACT to furvey, continue and extend, certain ftreets in Thomas Beall, of George's addition
to George-town, in Montgomery county.
An ACT to empower Samuel Maffit; late fheriff and collector of Caecil county, and Thomas
O'Bryon, late fheriff and collector of Queen-Anne's county, to collect balances due them.
An ACT for erecting a town at the mouth of the river Sufquehanna, in Caecil county, and for
appointing commiffioners to regulate and govern the fame.
An ACT to alter the public road leading from Miles river ferry through the lands of Jacob
Loockerman, of Talbot county.
An ACT refpecting executions iffued from one county to, another, and to compel the at-
tendance of witneffes fummoned from one county to another.
An ACT to revive and make valid the proceedings of the levy court of Kent County.
An ACT for the prefervation of the navigation of Dividing creek.
An ACT to confirm the title of Nathaniel Andrews and Humphrey Buckler to a lot of ground
in Baltimore-town.
An ACT to eftablifh a bank and incorporate the fubfcribers thereto.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to ftreighten and amend the feveral public roads in
feveral counties, and for other purpofes therein mentioned.
A Supplement to the act refpecting the punifhment of criminals.
An ACT for the benefit of Thomas Watkins, of Montgomery county.
An ACT to lay out and open a public waggon road from Hughes's coaling ground, on the
fouth mountain, to interfect the road, at or near Jofeph Staley's, leading to Frederick-town.
An ACT to revive and aid the proceedings of the orphans court of Calvert county, and to
call and adjourn the fame.
An ACT for laying out a road by Banker's mill in Frederick county.
Ate ACT to confirm and make valid the proceedings of the levy court of Montgomery county.
An ACT to revive and aid the proceedings of Calvert county court.
A Further fupplement to an act, entitled, An act to ftreighten and amend the public roads in
Harford county.