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Session Laws, 1795
Volume 647, Page 87   View pdf image
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RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore be and he is hereby directed, on the appli-

cation of William Compton, of Charles county, to credit the faid Compton on his bond, now in the
poffeffion of the faid treafurer, with the amount of three years intereft of his original bond, agreea-
ble to payments made thereon by the faid William Compton,

WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, that Cokefbury college, in the town of
Abingdon, in Harford county, hath lately been confumed by fire, and that fome malicious perfons
are fuppofed to have wickedly and wilfully fet fire to the fame; RESOLVED, That the governor and
council be and they are hereby authorifed and requefted to offer fuch reward as they fhall think
proper, not exceeding two hundred dollars, payable out of the public treafury, for the difcovery of
the perfon or perfons by whom the faid offence may have been committed, provided that the faid
perfon or perfons be brought to juftice.

WHEREAS Peter Chaille, of Worcefter county, did purchafe of the late intendant of the revenue
a tract of land in faid county, by the name of Limbrick, for the fum of twenty-two fhillings and
fix-pence current money per acre, which faid tract of land was fold for one hundred acres, and by
actual furvey the faid tract of land is found to contain one hundred and forty and one half acres,
Which furplus land the faid Peter Chaille is defirous to purchafe at the fame price: And whereas it
alfo appears, that fince the purchafe aforefaid from the faid intendant, that there was a right of dower
in faid lands, which was not known to exift at the time, and for which the faid Peter Chaille has
paid the fum of twenty-two pounds ten fhillings current money, which ought to be allowed; there-
fore, RESOLVED, That the ftate agent fell to the faid Peter Chaille the faid forty and one half acres
of land at the price of twenty-two fhillings and fix-pence current money per acre, with intereft from
the date of the original purchafe of the intendant, and that the faid Peter Chaille be allowed out of
the purchafe money aforefaid, by the agent aforefaid, the fum of twenty-two pounds ten fhillings
current money as a compenfation for the money by him paid for the dower aforefaid.

RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore pay to Solomon Oldfon, or order, one hun-
dted and fifty-feven pounds fifteen fhillings and feven-pence, with intereft from the fourteenth day of
January, feventeen hundred and eighty-two, in fatisfaction for money paid by him to the ftate for
thirty-eight acres and one quarter of an acre of land, deficient in his purchafe of part of Queen-
Anne's manor, bought of the commiffioners for confifcated property.

RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore iffue to James Hutchings a certificate for
the fum of fifty pounds current money, bearing intereft from the twelfth day of March, feventeen
hundred and ninety-four, in lieu of one iffued to him of that date and for the fame fum, which is
fince loft, he complying with all the terms of the act, entitled, An act refpecting loft certificates,
paffed November feffion, feventeen hundred and ninety-two.

RESOLVED, That Thomas Gilleland and James Boggs, of Caecil county, be and they are hereby

releafed from the payment of the monies to the ftate of Maryland arifing on ordinary and retailers

licences in Caecil county for the year feventeen hundred and eighty-fix, which they might be liable

to pay in confequence of their being fecurities for Archibald Job, fheriff of faid county, for the

year feventeen hundred and eighty-fix, upon their paying the cofts of the fuits now depending againft

them in the eaftern fhore general court for the recovery of the faid monies.

WHEREAS two indictments are now pending in Worcefter county court againft a certain Da-
niel Hardnett, for retailing fpirituous liquors without a licence, and who was committed to clofe
confinement for the want of bail for his appearance to anfwer the faid indictments: And whereas
alfo the faid Hardnett afterwards broke through the walls of the gaol and made his efcape, and fince,
although diligent fearch and inquiry has been made, cannot be found in the county aforefaid; RE-
SOLVED, That the proceedings on the faid two indictments now pending againft the faid Daniel
Hardnett for retailing fpirituous liquors without a licence, fhall not be profecuted fo as to charge or
in any manner burthen the fheriff with the payment of the faid fines or penalties, in cafe the fame
cannot be recovered of the faid Daniel Hardnett.

ON the fecond reading of the report on the petition of Edward Johnfon, RESOLVED, That no
proceedings fhall be had againft the reprefentatives of William M'Laughlin, on his account with
this ftate as fheriff or collector of Baltimore county, until the end of the next feffion of affembly;
provided, that the executor or executors of the faid William M'Laughlin fhall file his or their
bill in chancery, on or before the firft day of May next, againft the ftate of Maryland, for an ad-
juftment of the faid accounts by decree of the faid court.

RESOLVED, That three perfons be appointed in each county in this ftate to view and infpect
the books, records and papers, in the feveral public offices in their refpective counties, that they
have free accefs to the fame, and that they, or a majority of them, report the ftate, order and con-
dition thereof, to the next general affembly.

RESOLVED That for the above purpofes, Meffieurs Thomas Attaway Reeder, Richard Bond
and Jofeph Ford, be appointed for Saint-Mary's county; Meffieurs Thomas B. Hands, Matthew
Tilghman and William Barroll, be appointed for Kent county; Meffieurs William Harwood, John
Griffith Worthington and Horatio Ridout, be appointed for Anne-Arundel county; Meffieurs Jofeph
Wilkinfon, William H. Reynolds and John Somervell, be appointed for Calvert county; Meffieurs
Henry Henly Chapman, John Thomas and William Hanfon M'Pherfon, be appointed for Charles
county; Meffieurs Robert Smith, James Winchefter and George Salmon, be appointed for Balti-
more county; Meffieurs Nicholas Hammond, Thomas J. Bullitt and John Goldfborough, be ap-
pointed for Talbot county; Meffieurs Henry James Carroll, John Gale and Charles Nutter, be
appointed for Somerfet county; Meffieurs Jofiah Bayly, William Bond Martin and John E. Gift,
be appointed for Dorchefter county; Meffieurs Edward Oldham, Francis Partridge and Davidfon
David be appointed for Caecil county; Meffieurs William Kilty, Edward Nicholls and James Ma-
gruder, be appointed for Prince-George's county; Meffieurs Richard Tilghman, William Rich-


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Session Laws, 1795
Volume 647, Page 87   View pdf image
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