Treafurer to
pay perfons,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the treafurer of
the weftern fhore fhall and he is hereby authorifed and required to pay the feveral
perfons, their executors, adminiftrators, affigns or orders, or to fuch of them as
fhall offer to receive the fame, the feveral fums of current money allowed to them
refpectively, as they appear to be fettled and afcertained by the faid journal of ac-
counts, out of any money now in the treafury, or that fhall come into the trea-
fury, fubject to the appropriation of the general affembly.
RESOLUTIONS affented to November Seffion, 1795.
RESOLVED, That no application fhall be received at the land-office for any proclamation warrant
to affect any land heretofore located or furveyed until the end of this present feffion of affembly, or un-
til the further order of the legiflature.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be and they are hereby requefted to appoint fome
practifing attorney of the court of appeals, to appear on the part of the ftate to the writs of error now
depending in the faid court, brought by the attorney-general on judgments of the general court for
the eaftern fhore, founded on certain indictments againft the faid attorney-general for taking illegal
fees; and that the perfon fo appointed join in the errors affigned, or that may be affigned, by the faid
attorney-general in the faid caufes, and do all other acts and things, on the part of the ftate, neceffary
to be done, in order to a final decifion on the faid writs of error.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be empowered to draw an order on the treafury, in
favour of the perfon fo appointed, for fuch compenfation as may be deemed reafonable.
RESOLVED, That the fine of fifteen per cent, intereft, incurred by Jofeph Baxter, cleric of Caecil
county, for delay in payment of ordinary licence money to the treasurer of the eaftern fhore for the
year feventeen hundred and ninety-four, be and the fame is hereby remitted.
RESOLVED, That the fum of fifteen per cent, intereft, incurred by Samuel Maffit, late fheriff and
collector of Caecil county, for delay in payment of retailers licences, fines and amerciaments, for
the year feventeen, hundred and ninty-four, be and the fame is hereby remitted.
RESOLVED, That Nicholas Tice, one of the fecurities of Adam Fifher, late of Frederick coun-
ty, deceafed, be and he is hereby releafed from the intereft due on the balance for which the faid Ni-
cholas Tice, conjointly with George Burkhart and Benjamin Mufgrove, was fecurity, on the faid
Nicholas Tice's paying all cofts that have accrued.
RESOLVED, That the agent of this ftate be and he is. hereby, directed to delay all proceedings on
the bond of Benjamin Cawood, and his fecurities, to the ftate of Maryland, for arrearages of taxes,
and that indulgence be granted to the faid fecurities, and Benjamin Cawood, until the firft day of
December, feventeen hundred and ninety-fix, provided that all intereft which may be due on faid
debt be paid by the faid Cawood, and his fecurities, on or before the firft day of September next.
RESOLVED, That the fum of twenty-two pounds three fhillings and nine-pence in bills of credit
emitted by an act of congrefs of the eighteenth of March, feventeen hundred and eighty, and depo-
fited on the nineteenth of May, feventeen hundred and eighty-one, in the treafury, in lieu of eight
hundred and eighty-feven pounds eight fhillings and nine-pence currency, by Benjamin Rogers, on
account of Thomas Bladen, under an act of affembly of this ftate paffed at October feffion, feven-
teen hundred and eighty, chapter five, and ftill remaining in the treafury, be returned by the treafu-
rer of the weftern fhore to faid Benjamin Rogers, or order, the faid Rogers having other ways fatif-
fied the claim of the faid Bladen, as appears by the certificate of Daniel Dulany, his adminiftrator.
RESOLVED, That the treafurer be and he is hereby authorifed and directed, to releafe to Dennis
Griffith all the intereft now due on his bond to the ftate, and to releafe the intereft as it fhall arife
due for three years from this period, and in the mean time no procefs to iffue on faid bond againft
him, or his fecurities.