J O H N H. S T O N E, Efquire, Governor.
VIII. And be it enacted, That where any certificate of furvey or refurvey
fhall by the examiner-general be found erroneous, or where, on application of
the party, the chancellor or judge of the land-office on the eaftern fhore may
think proper to direct the correction of any certificate, and there is not fufficient
time for fuch correction to enable the party to pay the money within the time re-
quired by law, on a tender being made of the money due to the treafurer, three
months mall, be allowed for the correction of fuch certificate, and being paffed
by the examiner-general, and payment made within the faid three months, the
fame fhall be valid.
On any erro-
neous certifi-
cate a tender
may be made,
IX. And be it enacted, That no certificate of furvey or refurvey fhall be liable
to a warrant of proclamation before the firft day of June next.
No certificate
liable, &c.
X. And be it enacted, That in cafe any certificate of furvey or refurvey al-
ready made, or hereafter to be made, hath been of may be returned, by which
vacant land may be included, and not compounded for agreeably to law, fuch
furvey or refurvey fhall be liable to be affected by a proclamation warrant, by any
perfon who fhall apply for the fame, but no proclamation warrant fhall there-
after iffue on any furvey made or hereafter to be made in this ftate, unlefs one
tenth part of the land contained in the faid furvey or refurvey is compounded up-
on and paid to the treafurer of the weftern or eaftern fhore, as the cafe may be,
before fuch warrant fhall iffue; provided, that the perfon claiming the faid fur-
vey or refurvey fhall have one day after the faid firft day of June, or after the
expiration of the warrant of fuch furvey or refurveys made, or hereafter to be
made, as aforefaid, for a proclamation, to pay and compound on the fame, and
no application fhall be received by the regifter of the land-office for the weftern
or eaftern fhore refpectively, until after fuch day of pre-emption fhall have ex-
pired, provided, that nothing herein contained fhall be taken or deemed to affect
the right of any perfon who hath already applied for any proclamation warrant,
if fuch perfon fhall take out the faid warrant on or before the firft day of April
Certain certi-
ficates liable
to proclama-
tion, &c.
XI. And be it enacted, That it fhall be the duty of furveyors in returning
certificates hereafter to exprefs the quantity and quality of the improvements con-
tained on the land included in the furvey or refurvey, and fubject to the operation
of the warrant, with his opinion of the value of the fame, and no exception
fhall hereafter be taken to any certificate of furvey or refurvey made, or which
hereafter may be made, by way of caveat in the land-office, on account of im-
provements not being returned.
Quantity, &c.
of improve-
ments to be
expreffed, &c.
XII. Provided, That nothing in this act fhall be taken or conftrued to affect
any cafe now exifting on caveat before the chancellor.
A Supplement to the act for enlarging the capital of this ftate in
the Patowmack Company.
Paffed De-
cember 24.
WHEREAS by an act, entitled, An act for enlarging the capital of this
ftate in the Patowmack Company, paffed at this prefent feffion of
affembly, the prefident and directors of the company for opening and
extending the navigation of the river Patowmack have augmented the capital of
faid company to one hundred fhares more, and the treafurer of this ftate is au-
thorifed and directed, upon the terms and conditions therein expreffed, to fub-
fcribe, on behalf of the ftate, for forty fhares in the faid augmented capital ;
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That unlefs the pre-
fident and directors aforefaid fhall difpofe of fixty fhares of the faid augmented
capital for the fum of one hundred and thirty pounds fterling each fhare, they
fhall have no authority to call for or receive from the treafurer of this ftate any
fubfcription for any part of the faid augmented capital, which by the faid act
he is authorifed to fubfcribe, nor for any payment of the faid fubfcription, but
Unlefs fixty
fhares are dif-
pofed of, pre-
fident, &c.
not to call on
the treasurer,