JOHN H. STONE, Efquire, Governor.
A Further fupplement to the act, entitled, An act for the better
adminiftration of juftice in the feveral counties of this ftate.
Paffed De-
cember 14.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That one affociate juf-
tice of any county court of this ftate, in court fitting, fhall and he is
hereby authorifed and empowered to take fpecial bail in any caufe exift-
ing, or that may exift, in the county court of which he is the affociate, and to
accept the furrender of the principal by the bail, or the furrender by the princi-
pal of himfelf, in difcharge of his bail, and to take new bail, or commit for
want of bail, and to take recognizances for the appearance and fecurity of any
perfon or perfons who have or may file petitions for freedom, and to enter judge-
ments by confent and amerciaments, and to enter judgments on default or amer-
ciaments of any fheriff or coroner, in the fame manner as the court if full could
or might have done before the paffage of this act.
One affociate
may take bail,
II. And, whereas the times of holding the courts in the feveral counties here-
in after mentioned have been found inconvenient, Be it enacted, That the coun-
ty courts in the following counties fhall be held as follows: In Montgomery
county on the firft Monday in March and firft Monday in November; in Frede-
rick county on the third Monday in March and third Monday in November; in
Washington county on the firft Monday in April and firft Monday in December,
and in Allegany county on the third Monday in April and the third Monday in
October; in Calvert county on the fourth Monday in April and September.
When courts
are to be held.
III. And be it enacted, That in all cafes where fuits may hereafter be brought
by any perfon or perfons, nonrefidents of this ftate, the defendant or defendants
againft whom fuch fuit may be commenced, or his, her or their attorney, may
lay a rule, at or before the imparlance court, on fuch plaintiff or plaintiffs, or
his, her or their attorney, to give fecurity for all cofts and charges that the faid
defendant or defendants may be put to in cafe fuch plaintiff or plaintiffs fhall be
nonfuited, or judgment be given againft them, and in cafe of non-compliance
with fuch rule, judgment of nonfuit fhall be entered.
Defendants in
certain cafes
may lay a
rule, &c.
IV. And be it enacted, That when any action of debt, or upon the cafe, fhall
be brought, and it fhall be entered upon the record that fuch fuit is brought for
the ufe of any other perfon or perfons, and the plaintiff or plaintiffs in fuch acti-
on fhall difcontinue or ftrike off his, her or their faid action, or be nonfuit thereon,
or in cafe there fhall be a judgment or verdict in favour of the defendant or de-
fendants, the party or parties for whofe ufe the action was inftituted fhall be an-
fwerable for the legal cofts of fuit, and may be proceeded againft by attachment
againft the perfon or property of fuch party or parties for the recovery of the
fame, in the fame manner as if he, fhe or they, had been entered by rule of
court the fecurity for fuch cofts of fuit.
Who are lia-
ble for cofts in
certain acti-
ons, &c.
V. And be it enacted, That this act, fo far as relates to changing the times of
holding the courts, fhall commence from and after the end of the next enfuing
courts in the feveral counties therein mentioned refpectively.
An ACT to appoint an agent for the year one thoufand feven
hundred and ninety-fix.
Paffed De-
cember 24.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That Randolph Brandt
Latimer, Efquire, be agent of this ftate, to execute the truft and power
repofed in him by virtue of this act, from the firft day of January, one
thoufand feven hundred and ninety-fix, until the firft day of January, one thou-
fand feven hundred and ninety-feven.
All agent ap-
II. And be it enacted, That the faid agent fuperintend the collection of all
arrearages and balances due from the feveral collectors of the refpective counties
within this ftate, appointed fince the firft day of January, feventeen hundred and
To fuperin-
tend the col-
lection of ar-
rearages, &c.