L A W S of M A R Y L A N D.
C H A P.
to be record-
XV. And be it enacted, That all proceedings in chancery under this act fhall
be recorded by the regifter, who fhall be entitled to the fame fees as are fixed by
law for fervices in other cafes, which fhall be paid at the time of obtaining the
ed, &c.
Creditors to
be confulted,
XVI. And be it enacted, That in all appointments of truftees under this act
by the chancellor, in the room of any perfon before appointed, the chancellor
fhall confult the creditors, and govern himfelf by the choice of a majority of them
in value, unlefs upon notice being given by public advertifement, or in inch other
manner as he fhall think reafonable, the laid creditors fhall neglect to make fuch
When appli-
cation is to be
made, &c.
XVII. And be it enacted, That none of the faid debtors who do not make
application as aforefaid on or before the firft day of June next, fhall have any
benefit of this act.
Paffed De-
cember 24.
An ACT directing returns to be made to the commiffioners of the
tax in the feveral counties of this ftate.
Regifter to
make out a
lift of grants,
Be it enacted by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the regifter of
the weftern fhore land-office fhall, between, the firft day of March and
firft day of April next, make out for the commiffioners of the tax in each
refpective county, a lift of all grants which have iffued, or may iffue between the
fifteenth day of March, feventeen hundred and ninety-five, and fifteenth day of
March, feventeen hundred and ninety-fix, expreffing the name of the land, the
quantity therein contained, and the grantee, and in cafe of refurvey, the name of
the original tracts, and the quantity of acres of vacancy added, and fhall alfo make
out for the faid commiffioners, between the days firft afore mentioned, a lift of all
certificates which have become ready for patent fince the fifteenth day of March,
feventeen hundred and ninety-five, expreffing the name of the land, the quantity
it contains, and the perfon who is entitled to patents, and in cafe of refurvey,
fhall exprefs the names of the original tracts, and quantity of vacancy added.
And of all
II. And be it enacted, That the regifters of the land-office on the weftern and
eaftern fhores refpectively fhall, after the year feventeen hundred and ninety-fix,
annually, to wit: Between the firft day of January and firft day of March, make
out for the commiffioners of the tax a lift of all certificates which have become
ready for patent, expreffing the name of the land, the quantity it contains, and
the perfon who is entitled to patent, and in cafe of refurvey, fhall exprefs the
names of the original traits, and quantity of vacancy added.
Lifts to be
enclofed, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That the regifter of the land-office for the weftern
fhore fhall enclofe and deliver the lifts made out as aforefaid, directed to the com-
miffioners of the, tax for the refpective counties, endorfed, on public fervice, to
the fheriff of Anne-Arundel county, to be by him transmitted as public letters;
and the regifter of the eaftern fhore land-office fhall enclofe and deliver the lift
made out as aforefaid, endorfed in like manner, to the fheriff of Talbot county,
who fhall tranfmit the fame as public letters to the refpective counties.
Sections re-
IV. And be it enacted, That the ninth, tenth and eleventh fections of the act
for the valuation of the real and perfonal property within this ftate, paffed at
November feffion, in the year feventeen hundred and ninety-two, fhall be and
they are hereby repealed.
Regifters al-
V. And be it enacted, That the regifter of the land-office for the weftern fhore
fhall be entitled to receive thirty dollars every year for his fervices under this act,
and the regifter of the eaftern fhore twenty dollars, to be paid; annually by the
treasurer of the refpective fhores out of any unappropriated monies in their trea-
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