Of balances
on the audi-
tor's books,
And all mo-
nies due for
duties, &c.
Notice to be
given of fales,
III. And be it enacted, That the faid agent be authorifed to fuperintend the
collection of all balances due to the ftate on the auditor's books, or on open ac-
count; and the faid agent fhall have power to require payment of, and if necef-
fary to fue for and recover the fame; and the faid agent, with the approbation of
the governor and council, may make compofition with any fuch debtors, and
take bonds to the ftate, with fufficient fecurity, and give time for payment, not
exceeding one year from the firft day of December, feventeen hundred and nine-
IV. And be it enacted, That the faid agent be authorifed to fuperintend the
collection of all monies due to the ftate for naval duties, fines, penalties, for-
feitures and amerciaments, and forfeited recognizances, and for ordinary, retailers
and marriage licences, and to require payment, and (if neceffary) fue for and re-
cover the lame; and the faid agent may allow for infolvencies, and credit any
money that the party is not chargeable with by law; and for his information of
the law he may take advice of the attorney general in writing.
V. And be it enacted, That whenever there fhall be occafion to expofe to
public fale the property of any collector, or his fecurities, by virtue of any exe-
cution already iffued, or to be directed for this purpofe, the agent fhall caufe
public notice to be given of fuch fale, and fhall attend the fame, and if it fhall
appear that there is danger of lofing any part of the debt due to the ftate, and
not otherwife, fhall purchafe any property fo expofed to fale for the ufe of the
ftate, in payment, or part payment, as the cafe may be, of the arrearages due
by the collectors whofe property may be fo purchafed; and any property fo pur-
chafed fox the ufe of the ftate, the faid agent may again expofe to public auction
on the moft advantageous terms for the ufe of the ftate, and if the fame be fold
on credit, which fhall in no cafe exceed the term of one year, the faid agent
fhall take bond, with good and fufficient fecurity, to be approved of by the
treafurer of the weftern fhore, from the purchafers of fuch property; and all,
bonds by him fo taken fhall be depofited, with an accurate lift thereof fubfcribed
by him, in the treafury of the weftern fhore, and fhall be a lien upon the real
property of fuch purchafers and their fecurities from the refpective dates, or fo
much thereof as is mentioned in the fchedule thereto annexed.
Agent to dif-
pofe of certain
property, &c.
VI. And be it enacted, That the faid agent fhall have power to difpofe of all
confifcated Britifh property that remains unfold, and take bonds to the ftate,
with fufficient fecurity, and give time for payment, not exceeding one year from
the firft day of December, feventeen hundred and ninety-five.
And to call
on the attor-
VII. And be it enacted, That the agent fhall immediately call on and requeft
the attorney-general to commence, and profecute to final determination as fpeedi-
ly as poffible, the ftate's right to all confifcated property which hath been or may
be made known and difcovered to the faid agent; and the faid agent fhall report
to the next feffion of affembly fuch fuits as are or may be depending to recover
the fame, and alfo fuch as may then not be commenced, with the reafons af-
figned by the attorney-general why the fame have not been commenced.
Debtors may
be fued, &c.
VIII. And be it enacted, That if any bond debtor to the ftate, for confifcated
property purchafed, or otherwife, fhall neglect to make payment, agreeably to
the condition of his bond, and fundry refolves of the general affembly, the faid
agent fhall caufe procefs to iffue for the whole principal and intereft then due, or
fhall proceed on any execution already iffued and ferved and fufpended, as oc-
cafion may require, or under the direction and with the approbation of the go-
vernor and council, he is hereby authorifed to delay any execution as long as they
may think expedient and neceffary.