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Session Laws, 1795
Volume 647, Page 66   View pdf image
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C H A P.

copy thereof, fuit or fuits may be inftituted againft the obligors therein, or any of
them, or their or any of their legal reprefentatives, for any breach or non-com-
pliance with the condition of the fame.


Paffed De-
cember 24.

An ACT to alter the mode of electing electors to choofe the pre-
fident and vice-prefident of the United States.

State divided
into diftrict,

Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That for the purpofe
of appointing electors hereafter on the part of this ftate for choofing a
president and vice-prefident of the United States, this ftate fhall be and is
hereby divided into ten diftricts, which fhall be numbered from number one to
number ten, as follows, to wit: Saint-Mary's, Charles and Calvert counties,
fhall compofe the firft diftrict; Prince-George's and Montgomery the fecond;
Frederick the third; Wafhington and Allegany the fourth; Anne-Arundel, in-
cluding the city of Annapolis, and Baltimore-town, the fifth; Baltimore coun-
ty, (excluding the town,) and Harford county, the fixth; Caecil and Kent the
feventh; Queen-Anne's and Talbot the eighth; Caroline and Dorchefter the
ninth; and Somerfet and Worcefter the tenth diftrict.

Each diftrict
to elect one
perfon, &c.

II. And be it enacted, That each of the faid diftricts fhall elect and appoint
one perfon, being a refident of the faid diftrict, as an elector for choofing a pre-
fident and vice-prefident of the United States, and that the elections of electors,
for the purpofe of choofing the prefident and vice-prefident of the United States,
fhall be made by the citizens of this ftate qualified to vote for members of the
houfe of delegates of this ftate, at fuch places in the feveral counties in this
ftate, and in the town of Baltimore and city of Annapolis, as are appointed far
holding the election for delegates in the legiflature of this ftate.

When the
election is to
be held.

III. And be it enacted, That fuch election of electors aforefaid fhall be made
on the fecond Wednefday in November next, and on the fecond Wednefday in
November in every fourth year thereafter, and at fuch other times as the gover-
nor and council fhall direct, in cafe the office of prefident and vice-prefident fhall
become vacant.

Who are to be
the judges.

IV. And be it enacted, That the perfons authorifed and appointed judges by
the laws and conftitution of this ftate for holding the elections for reprefenta-
tives in the legiflature thereof, fhall be the judges of the refpective elections to be
made in virtue of this act.

Elections to
be made viva
voce, &c.

V. And be it enacted, That the faid elections fhall be made viva voce, and
that after the polls in the feveral counties, and the city of Annapolis and Balti-
more-town, fhall be clofed, and the votes caft up by the judges, the names of
the feveral perfons voted for in the feveral counties, and city of Annapolis and
Baltimore-town, fhall be written on parchment, or paper, and the number of
votes for each candidate in the feveral counties, the city of Annapolis and Balti-
more-town, enumerated and let down, which number fhall be written in words
at length, and not in figures, and the polls, and other papers relating to the
elections, fhall be fealed up, and deposited with the clerks of the feveral county
courts of the county in which the faid refpective elections fhall be fo held, and on
fuch names and numbers being to fet down and written, the judges of the feveral
elections in the city of Annapolis, Baltimore-town, and each and every county
of the ftate, when affembled at the ufual place for holding elections, fhall re-
fpectively, within the fpace of three days after the faid elections, fign and feal the
papers or inftruments on which the fame are fo written, and fhall make out, fign,
feal and execute, duplicate returns thereof, one whereof fhall be delivered to the
clerk of the county in which the faid refpective elections fhall be fo held, to be
kept fafely, and the other copy fhall be fealed up and delivered to the fheriff of
the county in which the faid refpective elections fhall be fo held, to be by him
delivered, or fafely tranfmitted, within ten days after each refpective election,
(under the penalty of fifty pounds current money,) to the governor and council,

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Session Laws, 1795
Volume 647, Page 66   View pdf image
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