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Session Laws, 1795
Volume 647, Page 65   View pdf image
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JOHN H. STONE, Efquire, Governor.


bacco of the fecond quality, any thing in the faid acts to the contrary notwith-


C H A P.

V. And be it enacted, That for every hogmead of tobacco infpected after the
paffage of this act, there fhall be paid to the infpector or infpectors delivering the
fame the fum of five fhillings and fix-pence current money, in order to defray
the infpectors falaries and the warehoufe rent; and for every hogfhead of tobac-
co infpected as aforefaid, the juftices of the levy courts, or any three or more of
them, fhall allow the proprietor of the warehoufe a fum not exceeding three
fhillings current money, nor lefs than one fhilling and fix-pence; provided al-
ways, that no more than four fhillings per hogfhead fhall be paid for each hogf-
head of tobacco infpected in Prince-George's county.

Five fhillings
and fix-pence
to be paid,

VI. And be it enacted, That an act to regulate the infpection of tobacco,
paffed at November feffion, feventeen hundred and eighty-nine, and the feveral
fupplementary acts thereto, paffed November feffion, feventeen hundred and nine-
ty, are hereby continued until the twentieth day of October next, and until the
end of the next feffion of affembly which fhall happen thereafter, except fuch
parts thereof as are inconfiftent or contrary to the provifions of this act, alfo fo
much of the faid acts as prevent perfons from carrying out of the counties where
it was made, either by land or water, any tobacco, until it has been infpected at
fome public warehoufe in the faid county, unlefs he fhall choofe to carry it to
fome one public warehoufe at the next adjacent county, and except alfo fuch part
of the fourteenth fection of the act to regulate the infpection of tobacco as directs
the infpector to take an oath, or affirmation, that he will not receive any tobacco
which is mixed with trafh tobacco, which faid excepted parts are hereby re-

Parts of feve-
ral acts conti-


VII. And be it enacted, That fo much of an additional fupplementary act to
an act, entitled, An act to regulate the infpection of tobacco, paffed in the year
one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-one, as relates to the adjournment of the
levy court of Montgomery county, is hereby repealed; and the infpectors of to-
bacco in Montgomery county fhall hereafter fettle their accounts with the levy
court of faid county on the fourth Monday in December annually, for which
purpofe the faid court fhall adjourn to the faid fourth Monday in December in
each year.


Part of an act

repealed, &c.

An ACT authorifing a lottery in Havre-de-Grace for the purpofe
therein mentioned.

Paffed De-
cember 24.

WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, that the building
and erecting two public wharfs in the town of Havre-de-Grace will
tend very much to the accommodation of boats coming down the
Sufquehanna; therefore,


II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That it fhall and
may be lawful for the commiffioners of Havre-de-Grace, or a majority of them,
to propofe any fcheme or fchemes of a lottery for raifing the fum of five thoufand
dollars, and to fell and difpofe of the tickets therein; provided the faid commif-
fioners, or a majority of them, fhall, before the fale or difpofal of any ticket or
tickets in faid lottery, give bond to the ftate of Maryland, in the penalty of
twelve thoufand dollars, conditioned, that they will well and truly apply the
monies arifing therefrom, within two months after the drawing thereof, to the
payment of the prizes drawn by the fortunate adventurers in faid lottery, and the
neceffary expences incurred in the management thereof, and the refidue to the
building and erecting the faid public wharfs, the building and erecting of which
the faid commiffioners, and their fucceffors, are hereby authorifed to direct and

ers may pro-
pofe any
fcheme, &c.

III. And be it enacted, That the faid bond fhall be lodged in the clerk's of-
fice of Harford county, to be there recorded, and upon fuch bond, or an office

Bond to be
lodged in the
office, &c.

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Session Laws, 1795
Volume 647, Page 65   View pdf image
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