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Session Laws, 1795
Volume 647, Page 64   View pdf image
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LAWS of M A R Y L A N D.


Paffed De-
cember 24.

An ACT to afcertain the falary of the judge of the land-office for
the eaftern fhore.

Judge's fala-

Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the judge of the
land-office for the eaftern fhore, to be appointed by the governor and
council in purfuance of the act, entitled, An act refpecting certificates of
furveys made on the eaftern fhore, fhall be and he is hereby entitled to receive the
fum of one hundred and fifty pounds current money per annum, during his con-
tinuance in office, to be paid by the treafurer of the eaftern fhore in quarterly
payments out of any unappropriated monies remaining in faid treafury.


Paffed De-
cember 24.

A Further additional fupplement to an act to regulate the infpec-
tion of tobacco, and to continue certain parts of the faid act,
and the fupplementary acts thereto.

Juftices to de-
where ware-
houfes fhall
be kept, &c.

Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That any three or
more of the juftices of the peace of the feveral counties in this ftate, ex-
cept Wafhington, Frederick, Caecil, Caroline, Harford and Allegany, be
and they are hereby authorifed and required, annually, at the time and place of
nominating infpectors, agreeably to the directions of the act to regulate the in-
fpection of tobacco, and the fupplementary acts thereto, to determine at what
place or places on navigable water in their refpective counties warehoufes fhall be
kept for the reception and infpection of tobacco, agreeably to the faid ads, and
the number of infpectors proper at each place, and they fhall enter the places,
and number of infpectors at each place, in a book to be provided and kept for
that purpofe only; and in cafe the faid juftices fhould think proper to difcontinue
any warehoufe in their refpective counties, which has been heretofore or may
hereafter be eftablifhed for the reception of tobacco, it may be lawful for them to
continue the former infpector, or appoint fome other perfon, for the delivery of
the tobacco remaining in fuch warehoufe fo by them difcontinued, and may caufe
the faid tobacco to be removed to the moft convenient warehoufe, and put under
the care of the infpector or infpectors of faid warehoufe, whole duty it fhall be
to pafs receipts for and deliver the fame agreeably to the directions of the acts to
which this is a fupplement.

And fell any

II. And be it enacted, That where any warehoufe belonging to the county has
been or may be difcontinued, the juftices of the county, or a majority of them,
fhall proceed, and they are hereby empowered to fell the fame, together with the
fcales, weights, and other the implements thereunto belonging, upon fuch terms
as they may think proper, and apply the money arifing therefrom to the ufe of
their county; and if it fhould fo happen that the boundaries of the public ground
on which the houfe or houfes may ftand cannot be afcertained by the juftices,
they, or a majority of them, may petition the county court for a commiffion to
prove and perpetuate the fame, in the profecution of which the fame proceeding
fhall be obferved as is directed by law to be obferved by individuals in fimilar

Infpectors in
certain cafes
to give re-
ceipts, &c.

III. And be it enacted, That the feveral infpectors appointed in virtue of this
act are hereby required, that when tobacco in hogfheads fhall be brought to him.
or them for infpection which fhall not be clear of trafh, but fhall be in good
order and merchantable only, to give a receipt therefor, expreffing the number,
grofs, tare and net weight of the fame, and that the tobacco is of the fecond
quality, and fhall alfo mark the No. grofs, tare and net weight thereof on the
head and bilge of the hogfhead, and the faid receipt fhall be obligatory on the
laid infpector or infpectors for a delivery of the faid tobacco, in the fame manner
and conditions as any note iffued by him or them in virtue of the feveral acts

Which fhall
not be a ten-
der, &c.

IV. And be it enacted, That the faid receipts fhall not be a tender for the
payment of any tobacco contract, unlefs the faid contract fhall have been for to-

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Session Laws, 1795
Volume 647, Page 64   View pdf image
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