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Session Laws, 1795
Volume 647, Page 59   View pdf image
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JOHN H. STONE, Efquire, Governor.


and council a yearly account, on oath or affirmation, of the tolls received and
expences incurred on faid bridge.

C H A P.

VI. And be it enacted, That for and in confideration of their great rifk, and
the expences to be incurred by the faid proprietors, not only for building the faid
bridge, but for keeping the fame in continual repair, the faid bridge, when built
and completed according to the directions of this act, and all its profits, fhall be
and the fame are hereby vefted in the faid corporation for ever, fubject to the
provifions herein after contained; and it fhall and may be lawful for the faid di-
rectors, at all times hereafter, for the term of thirty years after the faid bridge
fhall be completed as aforefaid, fo as to entitle them to tolls, to demand and
receive fuch reafonable tax, or toll, as they may from time to time agree on and
require, provided they fhall not, at any time, demand or receive more than the
prefent rates of ferriage over the Eaftern branch, which rates or toll fhall at all
times be made public, and fhall not be altered or changed oftener than once in
each year, and at the expiration of the faid term of thirty years, the faid direc-
tors fhall receive fuch tolls as fhall be regulated by the legislature of this ftate, or
of the United States; and provided alfo, that whenfoever at any time after the
expiration of the faid thirty years from the completion of the faid bridge, it fhall
feem expedient to the legiflature of this ftate to make the faid bridge, and tolls
fo eftablifhed, the property of the ftate, by a law to be enacted for that purpofe,
three commiffioners fhall be appointed by the legiflature on the part of the ftate,
and three by the corporation aforefaid, who, or any four or more of them, fhall
examine their accounts, and eftimate what fum of money the faid corporation
have expended in building and repairing faid bridge, and received from the tolls
thereof, and the fum, if any, neceffary to be added to their receipts to reimburse
the faid corporation the fums by them expended as aforefaid, with an intereft of
fifteen per cent, thereon per annum, which faid fum being paid to the faid cor-
poration, then the faid bridge and tolls fhall immediately thereon be the property
of the ftate.

And vefted in
the corporati-
on, &c.

VII. And be it enacted, That it fhall and may be lawful for every proprietor

to transfer his or her fhare or fhares by deed executed before two witneffes, who
fhall prove the execution thereof before fome judge or juftice, and regiftered in
the faid company's books, and not other-wife, except by devife, which devife, or
an attefted copy thereof, fhall alfo be exhibited to the directors, and registered in
the company's books, before the devifee or devifees fhall be entitled to draw any
part of the profits from the faid tolls; provided, that no transfer fhall be made
except for one or more whole fhare or fhares.

Every propri-
etor may
transfer his
fhare, &c.

VIII. And be it enacted, That in cafe any perfon holding any fhare or fhares
in the faid corporation funds fhall die inteftate, the adminiftrator or adminiftrators
of fuch inteftate, or the furvivor or furvivors of them, fhall hold the fame in-
tereft in the faid funds, and be entitled to all the benefits thereof which the faid
inteftate, in his lifetime, fhall have had or held therein, and fhall be and are
hereby authorifed and empowered to transfer the fame, or make fale thereof, in
his or their own name or names, and to be applied to fuch ufes as the orphans
court of the county where fuch perfon or perfon fhall obtain letters of admi-
niftration on the faid eftate fhall from time to time order and direct, according to
the laws of the land.

In cafe of
death, admi-
niftrator may
hold, &c.

IX. And be it enacted, That it fhall be the duty of the faid company to keep
the faid bridge, when built, in good and conftant repair, and to keep a fufficient
number of hands at all times ready for the purpofe of raifing the faid draw, in
order to admit veffels to pafs without delay through the faid bridge, for which no
price or reward fhall be demanded by the faid company, or their agents, and in
cafe of any neglect, the directors for the time being may be indicted, and fined
therefor as for a public nuifance, in Prince-George's county court, and the faid
court fhall give it in charge to the grand jury of faid county to inquire into the
breaches of this act; and the faid company fhall alfo for every fuch neglect to
keep the fame in good repair, forfeit a fum not exceeding fifty dollars, to be re-

Bridge to be

kept in re-
pair, &c.

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Session Laws, 1795
Volume 647, Page 59   View pdf image
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