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Session Laws, 1795
Volume 647, Page 58   View pdf image
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L A W S of M A R Y L A N D.

C H A P.


Books to be
opened, &c.

II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That it fhall and
may be lawful for the faid Notley Young, Daniel Carroll, of Duddington, Tho-
mas Law, William Mayne Duncanfon and George Walker, to open, or caufe to
be opened, books for receiving and entering fubfcriptions for the faid undertaking,
to the amount of two hundred and twenty-five fhares, at a rate not exceeding
two hundred dollars for each fhare, to be afcertained by the faid Notley Young,
Daniel Carroll, of Duddington, Thomas Law, William Mayne Duncanfon and
George Walker, and to be publifhed in the Annapolis, George-town, Baltimore
and Alexandria news-papers, and Maryland Herald, fix weeks previous to opening
the faid books, which fubfcriptions may be made perfonally, or by power of attor-
ney; and whenever the faid two hundred and twenty-five fhares fhall be fubfcribed,
fix weeks notice fhall be given in the papers aforefaid, requiring a meeting of the
fubfcribers at the city of Wafhington, and a majority of fuch attending fub-
fcribers, provided at fuch meeting at leaft one hundred and thirteen fhares fhall
be reprefented, are hereby required and authorifed to elect, by ballot, five of faid
fubfcribers directors, for managing all the concerns of the company for and
during the refidue of the then current year.


Directors may
demand fub-
fcription mo-
ney, &c.

III. And be it enacted, That the faid ftockholders, and their fucceffors, from
the time of the faid firft meeting, fhall be and are hereby declared to be incorpo-
rated, by the name of The Eaftern Branch Bridge Company, and by that name
may fue and be fued, implead and be impleaded, anfwer and be anfwered; and
the proprietors are hereby required to meet in the city of Wafhington on the firft
Monday in January in every year thereafter, and elect five directors, for the pur-
pofe of conducting and managing the concerns of the faid company for one year;
and that the faid board of directors fhall, from time to time after the faid bridge
fhall be completed and opened, receive all the profits arifing from the tolls, and
caufe to be made the neceffary repairs thereof, and fhall keep a regular account
of fuch their receipts and expenditures, and make an annual dividend of the net
profits thereof among the faid ftockholders;, and in the firft election, as well as
in every fubfequent election, each proprietor fhall be entitled to one vote for eve-
ry fhare, and any proprietor may, by writing under his hand and feal, and figned
in the prefence of two witneffes, depute any other proprietor to vote and act as
his proxy.

IV. And be it enacted, That the faid directors, or any three of them, fhall
and may demand and require any part of the fubfcription money, in equal pro-
portion, from each and every proprietor, which may from time to time be found
neceffary for carrying on the building of the faid bridge, and after fix weeks pub-
lic notice of fuch demand in the feveral news-papers herein before mentioned, it
fhall and may be lawful for the directors to fue for and recover, in the name of
the company, fuch unpaid requifition, with all cofts and charges incidental there-
to, and legal intereft thereon from the time the fame fhould have been paid; and
the neg1ect or refufal to pay any fuch requifition, after public notice fhall have
been given as aforefaid, fhall have the effect to forfeit all preceding payments
made on the fhare or fhares fo neglected or refufed to be paid, to the ufe and be-
nefit of the company; provided, that in cafe of the death of any ftockholder,
the neglect or refufal of his executors, adminiftrators or legatee, to make the
payment that may be required as aforefaid, fhall not have the effect to forfeit im-
mediately the faid preceding payments made by the faid ftockholder in his life-
time, but the faid executor, adminiftrator or legatee, fhall have one whole year
next after the day of the faid death to make the payments required.

Bridge to be
built in a fub-
ftantial man-
ner, &c.

V. And be it enacted, That the faid bridge fhall be built in the moft fecure
and fubftantial manner, fhall be focused and fupported at each end by good and
fufficient abutments or piers of ftone, and fhall be not lefs than twenty feet wide,
and that there fhall be a draw in the aforefaid bridge, fufficient to admit veffels to
pafs and repafe, of at leaft thirty feet wide;, and as foon as the faid bridge fhall

be completed as aforefaid, the directors for the time being fhall forthwith tranf-
mit to the governor and council a full and fair account, fupported by proper
vouchers, of the coft of faid bridge, and fhall annually tranfmit to the governor

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Session Laws, 1795
Volume 647, Page 58   View pdf image
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