Value of ef-
cheat lands,
&c. to be re-
turned, &c.
IV. And be it enacted, That the value in current money of all efcheat lands,
and improvements thereon, and the real value in current money of all improve-
ments on cultivated lands, on the eaftern fhore, fhall be returned and certified by
the furveyor, upon oath, or affirmation, as the cafe may be, at the time of re
turning his certificate of furvey, and the treafurer of the eaftern fhore fhall, in
all fuch cafes, finally afcertain the value of fuch lands and improvements, and
fhall receive the money therefor from the party.
Judge to be
V. And be it enacted, That the governor, with the advice and confent of the
council, be hereby authorifed to appoint and commiffion, on or before the firft
day of March next, a perfon of integrity and knowledge in the law, to be judge
of the land-office for the eaftern more, who fhall refide at Eafton on the faid
fhore, and whofe duty it fhall be to hear and determine all difputes that fhall
happen or arife concerning the grant of lands, or the validity of furveys made
and executed under warrants that fhall be iffued out of the faid office after the
faid firft day of March next, in like manner, and according to fuch rules or or-
ders, as are or fhall be eftablifhed for the government and direction of the chan-
cellor in the determination of like cafes, and who fhall thereafter have all the
powers and authorities, with refpect to land affairs on the eaftern fhore, that are
now vefted in the chancellor of this ftate as judge of the land-office thereof; and
in cafe of death, refufal, refignation or difqualification, of any perfon appointed
judge as aforefaid, the governor and council may appoint another in his place;
and any perfon appointed fhall, before he acts in his office, take the oath, or af-
firmation, as the cafe may be, to the government, and an oath, or affirmation,
as the cafe may be, to execute his office diligently and faithfully, without favour,
affection, partiality or prejudice.
Party ag-
grieved may
appeal, &c.
Regifter to
make out a
lift, &c.
VI. And be it enacted, That any party or parties aggrieved by any judgment
or determination of the faid judge of the faid land-office for the eaftern fhore,
fhall have full power and right to appeal from any fuch judgment or determina-
tion to the chancellor of the ftate, as judge of the land-office; and in all cafes
of fuch appeals, where the judgment or determination fhall be reverfed, the
chancellor fhall direct the regifter of the land-office of the weftern fhore to re-
turn the tranfcript of the record to the regifter of the laid land-office of the
eaftern fhore, with an order, in the nature of a writ of procedendo, to the faid
judge, directing him to proceed in fuch cafe, and, as the cafe may be, to a new
trial thereof, in the fame manner as if no trial had taken place, and the opinion
of the chancellor in the premifes fhall be conclufive as to the queftion by him
decided; and the faid judge fhall thereupon proceed in fuch cafe to a new trial
thereof, and fhall, in his difcretion, award coils, incurred as well on the appeal
aforefaid as in the faid land-office.
VII. And be it enacted, That the regifter of the land-office for the eaftern
fhore fhall annually, on or before the firft day of October, make out and tranf-
mit to the commiffioners of the tax of the feveral counties of the faid fhore, a
lift of all grants or patents iffued out of his office, together with the names of
the grantees, and of the lands, and the quantity of acres contained in each grant,
and the dates of the refpective certificates and patents, and, in cafes of refurveys,
fhall alfo enumerate the feveral tracts or parcels of land on which fuch refurvey
is made, and the quantity of acres in each original tract or parcel, as far as the
fame can be afcertained from fuch certificate of refurvey.
Rules, &c. to
be tranfmit-
ed, &c.
VIII. And be it enacted, That in order to preferve an uniformity of practice
in, the affairs of the land-offices of the weftern and eaftern fhores, the governor
and the council fhall caufe to be tranfmitted to the regifter of the land-office, and
to the examiner, for the eaftern fhore, certified copies of fuch rules and or-
ders as are now, and which may be hereafter, made and eftablifhed for the
direction and government of land-offices, and for the conduct of the treafurer
in iffuing tidings or orders for warrants, and for the obfervance of the faid
examiner and regifter in their refpective offices, and for the behaviour of fur-
veyors; which faid rules and orders fhall be recorded by the faid refpective