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Session Laws, 1795
Volume 647, Page 55   View pdf image
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JOHN H. STONE, Efquire, Governor.


XV. This act to commence on the firft Monday of February next, and to
continue and remain in force for the term of nine years, and until the end of the
next feffion of affembly which fhall happen thereafter.


C H A P.

ment, &c.

An ACT refpecting certificates of furveys made on the eaftern

Paffed De-
cember 24.

WHEREAS it is manifeftly intended by the conftitution of this ftate,
that the land office to be opened on the eaftern fhore fhould anfwer
all the purpofes of convenience to the faid fhore of which it is capa-
ble: And whereas, agreeably to the acts of affembly now in force, that inten-
tion is by no means effectuated, but on the contrary great inconvenience and in-
jury frequently arife to the faid inhabitants of the eaftern fhore; wherefore.


II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That all certificates
of furveys made on the eaftern fhore of this ftate, by virtue of warrants of what-
foever kind which may be iffued out of the land-office of the faid fhore after
the firft day of March next, fhall be returned, by the refpective furveyors making
the fame, to the regifter of the land-office for the faid fhore, to be by him de-
livered to an examiner, to be appointed as herein after mentioned, for the faid
fhore; and if any certificate fhall be found defective or imperfect, the faid ex-
aminer fhall forthwith return the fame to the faid regifter, to be by him tranf-
mitted to the furveyor who made the fame, for correction, but if the fame fhall
pafs the examination of the faid examiner, the faid examiner fhall deliver it to
the regifter of the land-office for the faid eaftern fhore, to be by him recorded in
a proper and fufficient book, to be kept by him for the purpofe of recording all
fuch certificates, which it fhall be his duty to do immediately after patent fhall
iffue thereon, and not before; and the regifter of the faid land-office, (after the
payment of the purchafe or caution money which may be due upon any certi-
ficate to the treafurer of the faid fhore,) fhall make out a grant or patent,
and fhall prefent the fame to the judge of the land-office for the eaftern fhore,
to be appointed as herein after directed, for his approbation, and the fame being
approved by him, and fo certified, fhall be tranfmitted by the faid regifter, at his
own proper expence, to the chancellor for his atteftation, and being attefted by
him, and figned by the governor for the time being, the feal of the ftate fhall be
thereupon annexed, the coft and expence of which feal fhall be paid by the
regifter of the land office on the eaftern fhore, in the fame manner as is now or
may hereafter be directed by law, which fum, fo paid by the faid regifter, to-
gether with the fheriff's commiffion for collection, may be collected from the
owner of the patent by the faid regifter, in the fame manner as officers fees are
by law directed to be collected; and every grant or patent fo obtained fhall, im-
mediately thereafter, be recorded in the land-office for the eaftern fhore, in a
proper and fufficient book, to be kept for the purpofe of recording all fuch grants
or patents.

Certificates to
be returned,

III. And be it enacted, That on or before the faid firft day of March next,
the governor, with the advice of the council, fhall be authorised to appoint and
commiffion one fit and proper perfon, who fhall refide at Eafton, in Talbot
county, to be the examiner for the eaftern fhore, who fhall examine, and either
pafs or reject, any certificate delivered to him agreeably to the prefent or future
rules and directions eftablifhed or to be eftablifhed for the government of the
land-office of each refpective fhore, and according to fuch of them as the cafe
may require, and in cafe of refufal, death, difqualification or refignation, of any
perfon fo appointed as aforefaid examiner of the eaftern fhore, the governor, with
the advice and confent of the council, for the time being, fhall appoint and
commiffion one fit and proper perfon to fupply his place; and every perfon ap-
pointed fhall, before he acts in his office, take the oath, or affirmation, as the
cafe may be, to the government, and an oath, or affirmation, as the cafe may be,
to execute his office diligently and faithfully, without favour, affection, partiali-
ty or prejudice.

Governor to

appoint an

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Session Laws, 1795
Volume 647, Page 55   View pdf image
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