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Session Laws, 1795
Volume 647, Page 37   View pdf image
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JOHN H. STONE, Efquire, Governor.


and keeping in repair any road, or fuch part thereof, and for fuch length of time
during the exiftence of this law, as in their judgment fhall feem moft advifable,
and for the intereft of the county; and where any perfon or perfons fhall con-
tract for the keeping in repair of any public road in virtue of this act, and fhall
neglect to keep the fame in fuch repair as it is the duty, of the fupervifors by law
to do, then fuch perfon or perfons fo contracting fhall be fubject to the fame penal-
ty as fupervifors of public roads in like cafes now are, to be recovered and ap-
plied in the fame manner; and every perfon or perfons fo contracting with the
juftices of the levy court in any county of this date, fhall give bond to the ftate
of Maryland, with fuch fecurity as the juftices of the levy court fhall approve
of, and in fuch fum or penalty as they fhall require, for the performance of fuch
contract, and fuch contractors fhall have and exercife all the powers which
fupervifors of public roads now have or may or can exercife in virtue of the act
to which this is a fupplement.

C H A P.


VI. And be it enacted, That in all cafes where any of the faid roads fhall be
let out to be completed or repaired on contract, it fhall and is hereby declared
to be the duty of the levy court of the county within which fuch road fhall lie,
to appoint fome perfon or perfons to view fuch road, and report to them whether
the fame fhall have been completed according to the terms of fuch contract,
before the faid court fhall be authorifed in virtue thereof to pay for the fame;
provided, that nothing herein contained fhall extend or be conftrued to prevent
the faid levy courts refpectively from making fuch advances of money to fuch
contractor or contractors, for completing or repairing the faid roads, as they in
their difcretion fhall think neceffary.

Perfons to be


VII. And be it enacted, That where any damages or fum of money fhall be
allowed to any perfon or perfons for the opening of any public road through his,
her or their land, the payment thereof fhall not be made until the road for
which fuch damage or fum of money is allowed be actually laid out and

Damages, &c.
when to be

VIII. And be it enacted, That no fupervifor of any public road fhall at any
time proceed to work and labour on fuch public road with a lefs number of able-
bodied labourers than fix, unlefs it be for the purpofe of removing fome fallen
trees or other obftruction, under the penalty of forfeiting, his own wages for the
time that a lefs number of hands fhall be employed, and to be deducted out of
his allowance by the levy court.

not to work
with lefs than
fix labourers,

IX. And be it enacted, That fo much of the original act to which this is a
fupplement as requires one third of the money levied on the inhabitants on the
eaft and fouth fide of Elk river to be expended on the roads on the eaft and fouth
fide of faid river, be and the fame is hereby repealed, and the whole of the mo-
ney collected in faid county to be laid out on any roads in faid county in the
difcretion and judgment of the levy court.

Part of an act
repealed, &c.

X. And be it enacted, That all that part of an act of affembly parted at No-
vember feffion, feventeen hundred and ninety, entitled, An act to ftreighten and
amend the feveral public roads in feveral counties, and for other purpofes therein
mentioned, which authorifes and empowers the juftices of Montgomery county
court to levy a fum, not exceeding two fhillings in the hundred pound of affeffable
property, for the clearing and amending the feveral public roads in faid county,
be and the fame is hereby repealed, and the power and authority by faid act veft-
ed in the juftices of faid county court is hereby transferred to and vefted in the
juftices of the levy court for faid county.

XI. And, whereas it is reprefented, that in Queen-Anne's and Caroline coun-
ties a fufficient number of hands cannot be hired for reafonable wages to repair
the public roads in faid counties, by which means they remain in bad condition,
and the fupervifors fubjected to a fine as for neglect; for remedy whereof, Be it

Part of ano-
ther act re-
pealed, &c.

enacted. That the fupervifors in the faid counties of Queen-Anne's and Caroline

Slaves may be
required, &c,

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Session Laws, 1795
Volume 647, Page 37   View pdf image
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