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Session Laws, 1795
Volume 647, Page 36   View pdf image
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C H A P.


taxes and the amount of fees, or fuch part thereof as may be claimed as due,
together with all payments that may have been in any manner made by fuch per-
fon, and the balance due thereon, and fhall give at leaft five days notice, by
advertifement at the moft public places in the neighbourhood, of the time and
place of fale in cafe of fuch execution or diftrefs; and provided alfo, that all the
books of the faid Benjamin Prefton, and his deputies, in which his accounts as
fheriff and collector are ftated and kept, fhall be depofited in the hands of fome
perfon in the county town of the county aforefaid, to be infpected and examined
by any perfon or perfons who fhall apply for the fame, in order to afcertain any
payments that may have been made upon his or their account.


Paffed De-
cember 24.

A Supplement to an act, entitled. An act relating to public roads
in this ftate, and to repeal the acts of affembly therein men-


WHEREAS the act to which this is a fupplement hath been confidered
as beneficial in its operation in the counties included in faid act, and
as it is but reafonable that the fame fhould be extended to fuch other
counties as defire the benefit of its provifions; therefore,

Act extended,

II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That an act, entitled,
An act relating to public roads in this ftate, and to repeal the acts of affembly
therein mentioned, paffed at November feffion, feventeen hundred and ninety-
four, be and the fame, is hereby extended to Anne-Arundel and Wafhington
counties, to operate on the faid counties, and each of them, in its various pro-
vifions and claufes, in the fame manner as if all and each of them had been
originally included, named and inferted therein.

Money to be
levied, &c.

III. And be it enacted, That in lieu of the fums of money to be raifed by
affeffment, in virtue of faid act, in the counties of Baltimore, Somerfet, Caecil
and Kent, the juftices of the faid counties, or a majority of them, fhall annual-
ly, at their levy court, levy by equal affeffment on the affeffable property within
their counties refpectively, a fum of money as follows, to wit: In Baltimore
county a fum not exceeding five fhillings, in Somerfet county a fum not ex-
ceeding two fhillings, in Caecil county a fum not exceeding fix fhillings, in Kent
county a fum not exceeding three fhillings and fix-pence, on every hundred
pounds of affeffable property in faid counties; and the juftices of the peace for
Anne-Arundel and Washington counties, fhall in the fame manner levy on their
refpective counties a fum of money as follows, viz. In Anne-Arundel county a
fum not exceeding four fhillings, and in Washington county a fum not exceeding
feven fhillings and fix-pence, in every hundred pounds of affeffable property in
faid counties, the fame to be laid out, expended and appropriated, as by faid
original act, and this fupplement, is directed.

Juftices to ap-
propriate mo-
nies, &c.

IV. And be it enacted, That the juftices of the levy court of Wafhington
county, or a majority of them, at their annual meeting, fhall have full power
and authority to appropriate all the monies raifed by virtue of this or any former
act, and which is not already expended on any of the public roads in the faid
county, in fuch manner and on fuch public roads in the faid county as they in
their judgment fhall think proper, any thing in the act to which this is a fupple-
ment, and the act, entitled, An act to ftreighten and amend the feveral public
roads in feveral counties, and for other purpofes therein mentioned, paffed at
November feffion, feventeen hundred and ninety, to the contrary notwith-

And to con-
tract, &c.

V. And be it enacted, That the juftices of the levy court in the refpective
counties of Baltimore, Talbot, Somerfet, Caecil, Prince-George's, Frederick,
Montgomery, Kent, Anne-Arundel and Washington, fhall have full power to
contract with any perfon or perfons for the opening or clearing any road hereaf-
ter laid out, or to be laid out, in their refpective counties, and for the improving

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Session Laws, 1795
Volume 647, Page 36   View pdf image
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