C H A P.
fhall have full power and authority, whenever it may he neceffary, to require of
the owner or owners thereof, in their refpective counties, as many male flaves,
moft convenient to the roads to be repaired, as may be neceffary to work on the
fame, not exceeding one half of the faid flaves belonging to any perfon on any
one day, nor fhall any perfon be compelled to render more fervice in any one year
than his or her road taxes may amount to.
Penalty for
not furnifh-
ing, &c.
XII. And be it enacted, That for every flave fo required by the fupervifor and
not furnifhed, the owner thereof fhall forfeit and pay the fum of five millings, to
be recovered by the fupervifors in the faid counties refpectively as in cafe of fmall
debts, and when received fhall be accounted for on oath, and paid to the levy
court of the refpective counties annually, to be applied to repairing the public
roads in their county.
Roads efta-
blifhed, &c.
XIII. And be it enacted, That the road leading from the poft-road in the faid
county of Queen-Anne's, near Church-hill, to the public warehouse on the
fouth-eaft branch called Tippings's warehoufe, and the road from the poft-road
at Centre-Ville to the public warehoufe called Corfica warehoufe, on the head of
Corfica creek, be and they are hereby eftablifhed as public roads of faid county,
and any perfon erecting a nuifance on them, or either of them, or in any manner
obtructing the fame, fhall be fubject to the fame penalty as perfons are fubject to
for the like offence committed on any other public road.
Part of an act
repealed, &c.
XIV. And be it enacted, That fo much of the fourth fection of the act to
which this is a fupplement, as directs the collectors of the feveral counties to de-
liver to each taxable perfon an account of his road tax, be and the fame is here-
by repealed, except fo far as relates to Prince-George's, Caroline and Montgo-
mery counties.
One fupervi-
for to be ap-
pointed, &c.
XV. And be it enacted, That the juftices for Prince-George's county fhall
appoint at leaft one fupervifor over every hundred to which there was, before the
paffage of the act to which this is a fupplement, an overfeer, and every fupervifor
fhall receive, as a compenfation for each day he may attend on the public roads
agreeable to law, fuch fum as the juftices may think fufficient, not exceeding ten
fhillings, any thing in the act to which this is a fupplement to the contrary not-
XVI. And, whereas the provifions of this act, and the act to which this is a
fupplement, extend to the county of Somerfet, but do not extend to the county of
Worcefter, and it is thereby rendered uncertain in what manner the road that di-
vides the faid counties ought to be kept up and repaired; for afcertaining whereof,
Road to be
kept up, &c.
Be it enacted, That the faid road from the line of Delaware on the north to the
middle of the north branch of Tondotank creek, where it croffes the fame, fhall
be kept up and repaired by the county of Somerfet as other public roads of faid
county are, and from the middle of faid branch the faid road fouthernly to the ex-
tent thereof fhall be kept up and repaired by the county of Worcefter as other
public roads of faid county are.
Paffed De-
cember 24.
An ACT to open a road from George-town to a bridge to be
erected over the river Patowmack at or near the little falls.
A PETITION has been preferred to this general affembly by John Tem-
pleman, James M. Lingan and Thomas Clark, directors of the
George-town bridge company, praying that an act may pafs, autho-
rifing the faid company to open a road, not exceeding fixty feet in width, from
George-town to a bridge to be erected over the river Patowmack at or near the
little falls;
ers appointed,
H. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the aforefaid
John Templeman, James M. Lingan and Thomas Clark, be and they are here-