JOHN H. STONE, Efquire, Governor.
IV. And be it enacted, That in cafe the faid veftrymen, or the major part of
them, fhall not, in fix months after fuch fale made by them as before directed,
be able to purchafe fome other tract or parcel of land more central to the parifh,
and more convenient to the church, then the faid veftrymen, or the major part
of them, are hereby empowered and directed to place the money arifing from
the fale aforefaid out to intereft, upon fuch fecurity as they, or the major part of
them, in their difcretion, may deem good and fufficient, which intereft fhall be
yearly paid to the rector of the parifh for the time being, until the purchafe as
aforefaid can be made, which it is hereby declared to be the duty of the faid vef-
trymen to make as foon as they poffibly can, with a view of anfwering the bene-
ficial object contemplated by this act.
C H A P.
Or to place
the money out
to intereft,
V. And be it enacted, That in cafe the land which may or fhall be purchafed
by the faid veftrymen, in virtue of the power and authority verted in them by this
act, fhall not amount in price to the full fum which the faid veftrymen may or
fhall receive for the afore-mentioned glebe-land called Wrighton, then the faid
veftrymen are hereby authorised and directed to purchafe, with the furplus money
that may remain in their hands, three per cent, ftock in the funds of the United
States, and to receive the intereft and dividends that may accrue due on faid three
per cent, ftock fo by them purchafed, and pay the fame over, once in each year,
to the rector of the faid parifh, and his fucceffors, for ever.
ftock to be
VI. And be it enacted, That before the faid veftrymen fhall proceed in the ex-
edition of the authority vefted in them by this act, they fhall give bond to the
ftate of Maryland, in fuch fum, and with fuch fecurity, as the chancellor fhall
think proper and approve of, conditioned for the faithful performance of the au-
thority and duties vefted in and impofed on them by this act.
Veftrymen to
give bond,
An ACT to empower Benjamin Prefton to colled the balance's due
him as fheriff and collector of Harford county.
Paffed De-
cember 24.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, by the petition of
Benjamin Prefton, late fheriff and collector of Harford county, that
he was appointed collector of the county rates in faid county for the
years feventeen hundred and ninety-two, feventeen hundred and ninety-three, and
feventeen hundred and ninety-four, and that he was the fheriff of faid county
for the years aforefaid, and in virtue of faid office of fheriff a number of officers
fees was alfo put into his hands for collection, and that, owing to a variety of
circumftances, he has been unable to complete his faid collections within the
time prefcribed by the act of affembly in fuch cafes made and provided, and the
faid Benjamin Prefton hath prayed he may be empowered to collect all fuch
balances due him as aforefaid in the fame manner as he might have done during
the time of his commiffion and appointment aforefaid; and this general affembly
being willing to grant him fome indulgence; therefore,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the faid Benja-
min Prefton be and he is hereby athorifed and empowered to take, demand, col-
lect and receive, all and every fum or fums of money, quantity or quantities of
tobacco, county rates and officers fees, due him as fheriff and collector aforefaid
for the year feventeen hundred and ninety-four, in the fame manner as he might
have done were his feveral offices unexpired; and the laid Benjamin Prefton fhall
be allowed until the tenth day of October next to complete the collection of the
balances aforefaid, and fhall be allowed the fame commiffion upon the faid col-
lections that he would have been entitled to had his feveral offices been unex-
E. Prefton
may collect,
III. Provided always, and be it enacted, That the faid Benjamin Prefton,
or fome perfon or perfons authorifed by him, fhall, at leaft ten days before the
execution or diftrefs of property for the balances aforefaid, deliver to the perfon
charged, or leave at his or her place of abode, a proved account, ftating the